How do i find what is my system bottleneck?

sorry buddy but if you having bsods...its your system lol...i have 2 different amds running and NEVER had bsods....there drivers are lacking but not that

Son, when I had my 5850 back in the day I got a BSOD just from updating the drivers; and also this is my second AMD (I had my 5850 for 4-5 years). I think I resolved my old one by rebooting in safe mode and then getting rid of them and just reinstalling the old ones. I then at some point in the future tried upgrading them again but started getting sporadic BSOD's instead (happened utterly randomly) instead (yeah like that's much better, lemme be gaming and then sudden LOLBSOD). So I said screw it and kept the same AMD drivers for like 3-4 years before finally updating to something that did NOT cause me to BSOD.

Now with this 7870 Ghz, you can read my other topic for details, but long story short I'm using a setup that most other people probably aren't using (mini DP to HDMI to a monitor with sound). These driver issues with this one aren't nearly as bad as the crap I experienced on my old card... just an occasional BSOD when plugging in the monitor on the mini dp port sometimes; works perfectly fine during normal operation, which is alright considering I'm not going to be unplugging and plugging monitors in constantly. Well assuming they are driver issues, which looking in my other topic you'll see they probably are. Though knowing most people online they can't read through any long topic or post longer than 2 paragraphs worth a crap, so you're probably just going to never get to this sentence and reply back with more anecdotal evidence that somehow is supposed to change what I've personally seen. No offense if you do. Fufufufu....

But anyway putting that aside in terms of performance the 7870 Ghz is at a great price vs performance point. Seriously, it's amazingly good for the money on Ebay. Would recommend it over a 750 Ti any day. I mean I'm playing Final Fantasy 14 at 1440p on mine and it's actually quite playable. Which is seriously amazing for a 120 dollar card.

7870 is 175 Watts (Max TDP)
660ti is 150 Watts
8800 is 105 Watts
750ti is 60 Watts

He shouldn't push his PSU any harder.

You can pick up a used 7870 Ghz and one of these for like 153 total, which is still about the same price. Higher performance, a new half-decent PSU. Which by the way that thing usually goes for less. Also even with max TDP like that, I highly doubt his CPU with that is going to push him above like 300... even with capacitor aging, that's really low.
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Son, when I had my 5850 back in the day I got a BSOD just from updating the drivers; and also this is my second AMD (I had my 5850 for 4-5 years). I think I resolved my old one by rebooting in safe mode and then getting rid of them and just reinstalling the old ones. I then at some point in the future tried upgrading them again but started getting sporadic BSOD's instead (happened utterly randomly) instead (yeah like that's much better, lemme be gaming and then sudden LOLBSOD). So I said screw it and kept the same AMD drivers for like 3-4 years before finally updating to something that did NOT cause me to BSOD.

Now with this 7870 Ghz, you can read my other topic for details, but long story short I'm using a setup that most other people probably aren't using (mini DP to HDMI to a monitor with sound). These driver issues with this one aren't nearly as bad as the crap I experienced on my old card... just an occasional BSOD when plugging in the monitor on the mini dp port sometimes; works perfectly fine during normal operation, which is alright considering I'm not going to be unplugging and plugging monitors in constantly. Well assuming they are driver issues, which looking in my other topic you'll see they probably are. Though knowing most people online they can't read through any long topic or post longer than 2 paragraphs worth a crap, so you're probably just going to never get to this sentence and reply back with more anecdotal evidence that somehow is supposed to change what I've personally seen. No offense if you do. Fufufufu....

But anyway putting that aside in terms of performance the 7870 Ghz is at a great price vs performance point. Seriously, it's amazingly good for the money on Ebay. Would recommend it over a 750 Ti any day. I mean I'm playing Final Fantasy 14 at 1440p on mine and it's actually quite playable. Which is seriously amazing for a 120 dollar card.

You can pick up a used 7870 Ghz and one of these for like 153 total, which is still about the same price. Higher performance, a new half-decent PSU. Which by the way that thing usually goes for less. Also even with max TDP like that, I highly doubt his CPU with that is going to push him above like 300... even with capacitor aging, that's really low.

I seriously hope your drunk or something....when you say "son" you realize im twice you age....he doesn't need a card that pulls more power period...stop with this nonsense and go to sleep already..please....he needs a card that pulls equal or less power...whats wrong with you? lol
I seriously hope your drunk or something....when you say "son" you realize im twice you age....he doesn't need a card that pulls more power period...stop with this nonsense and go to sleep already..please....he needs a card that pulls equal or less power...whats wrong with you? lol

"Let's ignore the post contents and focus on one part of it that is used figuratively, while ignoring everything else. This is what makes me older and thus more mature than you."

I'm pretty good at transcribing right.
I was thinking on Radeon 270x. But I think that will stress my psu.

I think I'll settle with the gtx 750 ti. It use less power so the risk is the same that I have now. And it will give me an improvement over the gt8800.

I won't replace the psu if is not failing.
The thing is that you could replace the PSU AND get a better performing card for less money/the same price as the 750Ti if you just Ebay the card. You're somewhat taking the lazy way out and getting less performance out of it. But that's fine I guess. It's true there's a time vs money cost in replacing the PSU. Lots of rewiring and stuff; well and working with Ebay. And you might not need the extra performance increase. It's up to you to decide what you need.
with that being said....if i were in your shoes....i be leaning on this
Save: $30.00 (17%)
$139.99 after $10.00 rebate card

Its hard to go wrong with evga...but i love asus even with there bad rma rep
Yep after reading several reviews, i`ll go with the evga version.

It`s not that i`m lazy, it just a matter of budget/time and other factors. I can`t ebay a card because i don`t live in US and my country charge me a lot of taxes for international shipping. Also i just want to improve my FPS for a specific game, since the rest of the gaming is done on console. So i don`t want to spend a lot of money for just 1 single game. I think this is a fix that will help me gain a few FPS and it will not cost me that much, as upgrading the whole PC would.
Most likely both, although I would say your GPU is the worst offender. You can try lowering your resolution to the lowest it can go, and see how much your framerate increases. If it increases significantly (more than 50%), then you're GPU limited. If you see no increase, you're CPU-limited. Make sure you only lower the resolution, and don't turn down any graphic or mesh/terrain quality options, as those usually affect CPU load.

I will say that a Core 2 Duo can still play most games (barely), while your GPU has seen better days (assuming you're running 1650 resolution or higher).

Lucky for you, you can get a fairly impressive GPU upgrade for under $150:

I went ahead and test this on the Benchmark for Rome2. (the game i intended to play) and with my current settings and 1680x1050 i get 26FPS avg.
IF i lower to the loest resolution possible keeping the same graphics settings which is 1024x768 i get 51FPS AVG.

This means the GPU is holding me back, right?
Correct Booker. I think the 750ti is a good choice for you at this stage in the game. Later on when you upgrade the cpu, mb, and memory you'll find that the 750 is now your bottleneck. At that point, if the performance is not satisfactory, you can think about a future gpu upgrade.
I have came back from the store. Bought the GTX 750 Ti evga version. 2GB.

I did a test before installing it. I ran a Rome2 Benchmark with the current graphic settings i was using.

1680x1050 i Avg 26FPS with my old card
After installing the new card same settings i get avg 63fps on same benchmark.

Great advice everyone! I`m really happy with the gain i got and i didn`t have to spend a lot of money.

Thanks again for everyone who helped me on this forum with your advice!
Glad it worked out for you:) what store did you end up buying from? most of us don't have any decent choices local:(