How do I run Mem86 ram test on a Mac?


Jan 3, 2001
So at work we are getting more Mac's on Campus and I have seem a few come across my tech bench. Is there an easy way to test the RAM? For Pc's i use memtest 86, is there a similar program that i can run off a live boot cd? Thanks.
If it's an Intel Mac with recent firmware (only the ORIGINAL Intel Macs which shipped before BootCamp are going to have old firmware) Memtest86 works just fine. They are using commodity PC hardware these days just with their own concept of firmware. BIOS emulation is included.

If it's a PPC mac there should be a linux livecd type of thing that can test your memory.

If you don't have repair manuals search "ServiceSource"
why not just run the Apple Hardware test...should come with all the original disks and one of the things it does is test RAM
why not just run the Apple Hardware test...should come with all the original disks and one of the things it does is test RAM

It does, and I did run the diag disks, I just wanted a second opinion on the tests as they seem rather generic. Thanks for the suggestion

Like I said if it's an Intel Mac Memtest86+ will work fine assuming you don't have outdated firmware.
How do i get the Mac to boot from the CD? With the Mac diag discs its holding down D, and to boot from a cd/dvd its holding C, I tired both and even holding down option, nothing seemed to work.

You just need to insert the disc and press C to boot from it. I've install SuSE Linux & Windows XP on an original MacBook that way.

What machine and what revision is it?
Thanks for the suggestion, i'll try that.
Its a 1.66 C2D Intel Mac Mini, running OS X 10.4.7 I think the ram is bad and i would rather not pull it and swap it into a laptop simply to run memtest 86. The problem is that the computer freezes on startup at random times. (Grey screen with a clicking sound CDROM not HDD, The clicking sound is the noise of the CDROM engaging and disengaging over and over as the system gets stuck in a continuous reboot cycle.) I pulled one stick and ran the DVD diag test on one mem slot and both sticks passed. I suspect Ram as I have seen this problem on 3 other Mac Mini's at work. Alternatively the isue could be a bad RAM socket.
Thanks for the suggestions, I tried holding down C and the system would not boot from the CD. The boot CD I am attempting to Boot from is Hirens 9.0. Thanks again.
That's odd... what if you try to boot a WinXP install or Linux install disc? C2D should have shipped with a Firmware that supports EFI-BIOS emulation.
True, i'm guessing that this may have an older EFI it was never updated as work simply creates a Boot Camp WinXP partition on the HDD and then they use it as a XP computer. :rolleyes: So unless OS X is running the system never receives any apple updates. I think I was able to resolve the issue i swapped in some known good RAM and deployed it back to the user. So far so good. :D

On a side note, the only tool that i have to open a Mac Mini is literally a can opener. LOL!
if the op knows some one who is mac certified, they might be able to lend you the apple service diagnostic. its a more robust system test than the apple service test included on the install disks. you need to be very specific about the model you need tested because old asd's can become unusable with model refreshes. be warned, the asd memory test runs at least 30 minutes long.
if the op knows some one who is mac certified, they might be able to lend you the apple service diagnostic. its a more robust system test than the apple service test included on the install disks. you need to be very specific about the model you need tested because old asd's can become unusable with model refreshes. be warned, the asd memory test runs at least 30 minutes long.

Thanks for the suggestion, i am hoping to become apple certified soon, I have my GSX account and the study material is there i just need to work up the willpower to actually start to studying. :cool:
