How Do You Capture Incoming Audio and Audio From Yourself?

Jun 16, 2005
I am trying to start up a podcast with a couple of freinds and we are trying to figure out how I am going to capture my voice and their voice together. They will be talking over skype but I have no idea how to capture there voices and my voice in one track. Is their special podcasting software out that does this that I am not aware of or do I have to purchase a mixer which I reallly would not like to do? I would prefer if it was a free software solution becuase I am in a bind. The program can be for Mac or for PC so post whatever you have. PS I did not know where to post this so I figured it was about audio that I should post here.
I know there's a recording function in Teamspeak (, and that program is free. The only thing you will need to do is set up a server on your end, but that's very simple...just follow the instructions at Teamspeak's website.

I'm sure others will pipe in with other suggestions as well, just be patient ;).
If I am not mistaken Ventrilo and Teamspeak both have built in options to record everyone's voice; I am surprised that Skype does not include this option. You could always set up a Ventrilo or Teamspeak server instead of Skype and record that way. Not sure if Skype is a must for you though.

EDIT: Bah Durandal beat me to it.
Sweet, I will use teamspeak. Thanks a bunch guys you saved me a buttload of money.
EDIT: I have Teamspeak installed but I can not figure out how to set it up so that it records the voice chat. deos anyone know how to do this?