How Do You Determine GameServer Spec Requirements?


Limp Gawd
Jul 10, 2005
Well, since Im doing a mega upgrade to my current pc, Im going to have an intel 3.0E cpu, mobo, case, psu, cd-rom, and FX5700 just lying around. I was thinking of using it for an HTPC, but hell, a gameserver sounds pretty nice too. Ofcourse, Id have to buy some ram and an HD still, but I was curious how would you determine specs for a gameserver? I understand it varies between games, so I ask, what would be required for a 16 player FEAR server?

Im assuming my current 3.0E will be fine, then maybe 2 gigs of ram? I dont think the gpu really matters, or does it? What about the HD? You think a 16mb cache maxtor would impact anything?
You are correct --

A good gameserver will usually have no less than 1GB of ram, and a hefty disk subsystem.

I think that for all general purposes, a P4 with 1GB of ram and a fast hdd will be plenty for 16-24 player server on the lan.

If you want to run this over the internet, then you have to take into account that you probably will use about 25Kbits/player of outbound bandwidth...that has always been my rule of thumb for CS/quake/UT servers at take that with a grain of salt.
draconius said:
You are correct --

A good gameserver will usually have no less than 1GB of ram, and a hefty disk subsystem.

I think that for all general purposes, a P4 with 1GB of ram and a fast hdd will be plenty for 16-24 player server on the lan.

If you want to run this over the internet, then you have to take into account that you probably will use about 25Kbits/player of outbound bandwidth...that has always been my rule of thumb for CS/quake/UT servers at take that with a grain of salt.
Im not really worried about my ISP. I ran a 18 man natural-selection server for about 2 years on my own personal pc, and well I had 0 lag issues for even players out of the country. My isp is optimum-online incase youre wondering, and they never capped me once. *knock on wood*
im jealous, all I get is crappy 256kbit up on my home cable connection.

of course, here at college....thats more like 10Mbit up/down in the dorms, and 100Mbit to all the non-ancient buildings on campus. heheheh