How do you do this?


Limp Gawd
Feb 14, 2005
I would like to know how to put a 1/2 inch hole in a Bawls bottle...yes to make a res. out of it...tight idea or what... :D ...Thax to anyone that can help
R!P13y said:
I would like to know how to put a 1/2 inch hole in a Bawls bottle...yes to make a res. out of it...tight idea or what... :D ...Thax to anyone that can help

Already been done before...
nodle said:
Already been done before...

that is nice but i would like to do it so how do you do it and just saying a Drill press is like saying there are people on this earth
You could use a hand drill. Just get the right size bit, and figure out someway to hold the bottle still. The drill bit will want to wander at the beginning, you just need to start slow. You could have someone else hold the bottle, or use a vice. Any all purpose drill bit will work. Ask if there is anything else I can answer.
mathot said:
You could use a hand drill. Just get the right size bit, and figure out someway to hold the bottle still. The drill bit will want to wander at the beginning, you just need to start slow. You could have someone else hold the bottle, or use a vice. Any all purpose drill bit will work. Ask if there is anything else I can answer.

Yeah I can bet you a million dollars that you or anyone you know can drill through a bawls bottle with a "Hand Drill and any all purpose drill bit" even if someone else is holding it for you or you hold for them.....I HAVE TRYED THAT...didn't work...i just need to know if there is a 1337 way of doing it and a special drill bit for cutting glass... :)
you need a special drill bit to drill through glass. Aquarium websites should have what you need. A drill press would make it much easier, but with the right drill bit you should be abe to do it with a vice and a hand drill. An all purpose drill bit will dull before you do much more than make a mark in the glass. Also make sure you have a few bottles to mess with; because it's hard not to crack glass when you're trying to drill through it.
They do make glass bits.

The drill press was suggested because you can put the bottle in a vice, and the drill will not move either. You might have to find one.

You could always start the hole with a small drill bit, like 1/8" and work up. The risk of cracking is pretty big though.

I didnt know drilling was 1337.

Edit: I see wtiger answered while I was typing.
Underwater is just for heat sensitive materials. I already said to start slow, it is the key.
well you do have to drill it in water or under running water to prevent heat related cracking.
A diamond bit will give you the best cut. It looks like an arrow head at the ti. If you can't find a Glass bit, a ceramic bit (to cut through bathroom tile) should work in pinch.
Qveon said:
well you do have to drill it in water or under running water to prevent heat related cracking.

There shouldn't be very much heat generated when drilling glass. Much of the material removal is going to be accomplished by chipping small bits away. Most of the energy goes into fracturing the glass rather than friction or shearing that would be predominant in metal machining. A lubricant should still be used, however, and water would be one option.