How do you get that last bit of air out of your res?


Limp Gawd
Jun 29, 2004
As the title states, how do you get that little extra air out of your 5.25 res? I have the dangerden one, and it is impossible to get those last little bubbles out. When the computer is on its back, the res is the highest point, but that round fill hole is 2 inches from the highest point in its design.

You guys have any techniques?
Don't bother regarding those few remaining bubbles. If the water temperature rises in a closed-loop sytem, despite having the reservoir filled completely with water, you will experience some, but significant, coolant expansion, which will probably find its way out on some loose barb. I had a similar problem with a double 3.5" bay from danger dan combined with a Laing D4 pump. The incoming water would create so much turbulance in the reservoir that the air would always get mixed with the water coming out of the reservoir and enter the loop. However, at that point I had mounted the reservoir on its side, as I thought it was clever to put it right behind the drive cage and not waste any space. But that configuation is what caused the extreme turbulence. If you install the reservoir as intended, with incoming/outgoing barbs being on the lower half of the reservoir when installed horizontally, filling it to about 80-90% level will do the trick.
Yeah, the way they built that res it would be almost impossible to get all the air out. You'd end up adding some bubbles when you put the cap in anyways.

You won't have any problems unless there is so much air it reaches the outlet port on the res. I've got some air in mine, and the bubbles look kind of cool wooshing around with the high flow. :D