How do you guys usually drain your liquid?


Limp Gawd
Oct 23, 2004
LoL any tips for draining liquid?

I'm on aqua computer gear and I remember the last time I was draining was sucking water out of tubes. (almost 2 years ago)

LoL any advice would be great
Some use shop vacs, some use handheld MityVac pumps, etc.

Me, I have a fill port on my bottom mounted radiator that I use as a drain plug. I carry my case to the kitchen sink, open the bottom port and the fill port on my drive-bay mounted rad/res combo, and let gravity do the rest. :)
Its funny I find this question because I just dismantled my WC system a few hours ago after running for 6 mos.

I would say that wherever in the loop you make that first cut/disconnect would depend mostly on how you set up your tubes in the first place.

I had my reservoir as the top most piece of the loop, so I unscrewed the cap, grabbed a turkey baster/syringe and drained out all the water from the reservoir. I then turned the PC on for a few seconds to get the pump push the remaining coolant up into the reservoir, and drained it out some more with the syringe.

By that point you should have a considerable amount (~80%) of coolant removed that the tubes at the highest point of the loop should be dry. Now the top tubes can be taken off the barbs and lowered towards a bucket or something to drain it all (as soon as I lowered the tube into a bucket, the siphon effect took hold in the draining liquid and sucked out most of the remaining water.

Now that you have all of the water out, you can dismantle/unscrew the waterblocks, radiators, etc. from the rig. Try to keep the remaining parts of the dry loop closed because each disconnected barb is one more place to leak from. I ended up taking my rad, cpu block, gpu block, and pump out of the case together in one piece.

Anyways, that's how I drained my system a few hours ago. Hope you find this relevant.
No drain port?..........Then just disconect the lowest tube in the system and use a bucket to catch the coolant. Now open the Res's lid to release the pressure, after coolant stop PUT the lid back then disconect the highest tube and start blow out the rest.

Reminder: just don't drink the fluid when you blowing it :D
just disconect the lowest tube in the system and use a bucket to catch the coolant. Now open the Res's lid to release the pressure, after coolant stop PUT the lid back then disconect the highest tube and start blow out the rest.

Reminder: just don't drink the fluid when you blowing it :D

+1 QFT
If you have a T line, just turn it over and let it drain.

You'll probably need to put your case on a table or somethign though.
Ahh i actually do have T lines lol, I will do that thanks people for the input
id just take the res out and let it hang over a bucket and empty it, run the pump back into the res to fill it up, dump again, then run pump again, then when theres low amount of water start taking it apart and blow into the tubing.