How do you qpackers carry your computer?


Jan 15, 2004
Like the title says, how do you qpackers carry your qpacks? Can you show your ideas?
I cradle it under my arm, and carry my bag that hold everything else over my other shoulder.
I hold it horizontally, just like if it were on the ground, with one hand on the handle and one hand underneath the back.
My H20-cooled one I carry under one arm like a football. My work Q-Pack I use a strap-on handle thingy-doo.
I carry it like you would carry a tray. I put the keyboard on top of it when carrying :)
Steeeeve said:
I carry it like you would carry a tray. I put the keyboard on top of it when carrying :)

Hey thats exactly how i carry mine but i do a balancing act since i have other junk as well. mouse and a couple boxes with some of my disks and extra cables (for emergencies).
I hold it by the handle in my right hand, and put my left hand in the back under the raised up area near the mobo tray. I have carried it by just the handle with no ill effects as well, but I feel safer with two hands.
I just got my casegrips after a screwup with USPS, and my impressions are good so far. It enables me to carry it regularly safely, and it even included a shoulder strap.

I'll upload pics soon.