How do you re-number displays in a multiple monitor setup


Limp Gawd
Apr 8, 2005
I'm having problems making my Acer H233H the number one display in the NVIDIA Control Panel. It seems that no matter I do the other monitor (Westinghouse L2210NW) wants to take over that number one spot. The reason why its troubling me is that in my setup my Acer is to the left and the westy is to the right but the control panel wants to config them opposite so I have to move my mouse to the left of the Acer to get to the right Westy monitor. Its more of a pain but when i play games where I uses both monitors its kinda hard to remember that.

Is there a way to re order the displays. I have tried moving and switching cables to opposite ports on my 285. But for some reason it still wants to use that Westy as number one. I could have sworn at one time you used to be able to drag the monitors to how you wanted in the Control Panel. But now they won't move and I'm starting to think its messing with me lol.
if your using windows try using the regular windows "screen resolution" option when you right click on the desktop. i believe there was a option there to change which one is which.

if your not windows then sorry cant help other than just keep trying cause i know i did it before.
I gotten the Acer to be number now however the control panel will not let me move the now number 2 panel to the right of the Acer.
Right click your desktop, and go to Personalize or Adjust Screen Resolutions, etc. Whatever it is in Windows 7.

Something like this. Then drag your Westinghouse to the right of the Acer.
