How does flash run on your Android?


Sep 22, 2008

Just wondering how you like flash on your smartphones. Just recall the hysteria over Apple not supporting flash on iDevices and I theorized that current mobile tech couldn't support Flash, especially since netbooks can't (in HD) and they run on much higher specs than mobile devices. Wondering what your experiences are? Has flash made your life better, or made you annoyed with the quality of the execution vs the happiness that you can execute?
I would just assume not have flash ads on websites, but i do like having it for the odd flash-based site where navigation isn't possible without flash.
Its awesome on my CM6'ed HTC Evo.

I have the browser set to display flash/plugins "on demand" so they only show up when I click them, as to not slow down the initial loading of a site.
CM RC3 Droid (overclocked to 800MHz), got 10.1 on Sunday, and it works well. I won't use it for daily browsing. It's more for sites, like TheGamerZ suggests, that require Flash for general navigation.