How exactly do I connect two computers to transfer files?


Limp Gawd
Jan 20, 2007
Can you give me a detailed step by step on how to do this? I have an old computer that I need to transfer files to my new computer.

Is there a way I can view the folders of my old computer off my new computer and just drag and drop? Also, I have heat sinks in the way of my new computer that's covering up the IDE slots, so are there alternatives on how I can use my old computer's hard drive on my new computer as an external? If so, can you list what I need to buy specifically and whether or not it's a good time to buy these parts for best bang for my buck.
For connecting an internal hdd to your system externally, you can use a hard drive caddy / enclosure, which is generally a small box with an internal ide connector and external usb or firewire port. A basic caddy shouldn't cost more than 15 - 20 USD.
Not to knowledgable on home networks myself, but there should be some useful threads in the network forum
Meh. I've decided just to take out the old IDE drives in my old computer and put it in my new TJ-09 case.

However, I was only able to use one IDE HD in my new computer because of two reasons:
I ran out of 4 molex mount connections, some were either too short or were all used up for the 6+ fans in my case.

The IDE chord double end were too short to reach the second drive.

Blah. I really don't know what I should do now. Do they sell dual IDE harddrive USB enclosure?

Newegg has too many choices I don't know what's a slickdeal"+external+disk+enclosure&x=0&y=0

Are there better places online to get these enclosure?

Oh, here's what my case looks like:

It has a total of 6 3.5 harddrive slots, but it's a damn shame that the 4 pin molex cords that came with it are too short on some areas ><
If you don't want to install the drive but want to access it only occasionally, consider something like this
If you just want to copy the files, you may as well do it one drive at a time if you can't fit them both. If you want to have both drives in your case permanently, I suggest you try and rework your case layout to fit all the drives in. If you don't have enough 4-pin molex connectors, you can find splitters for very cheap.