how good are you at BF2


Apr 10, 2006

I'm not bad compared to other players.
This game has consumed far too many hours... and yet I keep going back for more.
Mostly Strike at Kirkland. Other maps, I get blown up by air power and when I get in a helo/jet, my computer is too choppy to get decent fps (lol). Plus, the 64 size ones are always full.
Asian Dub Foundation said:
i stink...

Yes go take a shower and this time use the bar of soap...j/k ;)

I dont play BF2 no more so i suck i guess...the game is to buggy for me.
I suck at BF2 my first problem is crappy servers with admins tking for vehicles and commanders dropping arty on his teammates, they need mroe servers with FF off lol

BF2 is too clan based with all the squad shit, i prefer the 1 man army approach. And a couple maps it seesm liek one guy in a jet can kill everyone, not well balanced with that in play.
I rock.

Accuracy 23.95%
K/D Ratio 3.3726

Total & Streak 16,239 / 46
Per Minute 1.013
Per Round 13.311

Why'd they take away the medal stats? I have like a 24% gold medal going.

Anyways - I hardly play anymore. Game gets annoying.

Oh, they moved the medal achievements.

Gold, Silver, Bronze Stars 0.4607
I was board tonight, so I started an altar ego account..


I played about 3 rounds and came up in the 300 global range... not sure yet, my stats have not shownup yet.. I found it fun, because even after all the unlocks (excpet the ops) I still use the stock guns most of the time... the olny gun I was really missin was the G36e medic unlock. Im thinkin with this account I wont use it if im suckin ass.. Ill keep the stats up on this account.. im shooting for a 5/1 KD ratio before i get to my first rank with it..

PS: I didnt unlock the ops not because I dont snipe but because the M24 owns... who needs to waste an unlock to upgrade to a lesses firearm...
FoxhoundOp said:
Same here. The game stopped being fun at 1.2 in my opinion. I'm not that good either.

I had taken a break fomr it for about 2 weeks... it seems fun now.. I had to change the way i play alot to enjoy it though..

I agree its time for another game.. too bad the standard has been set so high..

PS: hopefully the new GR wil be better than RVS..
I bought it the day it came out for the free headset, but I had a Radeon 9200 back then, so couldn't play. Just started playing it yesterday:

The load times suck. I've finished a book and a half sitting there waiting for it to Verify Client Data.
I hate BF2. Honestly.

I am 30x Better at Countar Strike :) Its cuz I have been playing since beta 6.4 :D
thats like comparing a grade 12 AP stat class to 3rd grade math class...

and were all good at 3rd grade math...
Yea my new Altar Ego account is updated..!

3 rounds in and counting....
Global 320
Team 74
Combat 246
Commander 0
Accuracy 20.89%
SPM 3.3862
Suicides 0
K/D Ratio 2.0500

Did they make it easyer to get medals? I got Basic Medic, sniper, pistol, Transport, and eng, in the first 2 rounds..... ?????????
I suck. I finally gave up after the last time I joined a server, and didn't live longer than 10 sec. after making contact with the enemy. Everytime I tried to move, I'd find grenades hailing on me. Haven't played it since.
Kevin Lowe said:
I suck. I finally gave up after the last time I joined a server, and didn't live longer than 10 sec. after making contact with the enemy. Everytime I tried to move, I'd find grenades hailing on me. Haven't played it since.

maybe you just landed on a bad server and was spawnkilled instantly.....each time the enemy would stand in back of u and wait saying damn spawn faster and once u do it's over.... It's like u where the bait and he was just watin for ya... :p
I'm about average. I get about 30-40 points per round. On maps that aren't pretty close like Karkand or Warlord I don't get as many because they are so tank and car based. I'm pretty average to good at every thing except flying planes I crash after 3 seconds everytime.