How GPU taxing are PC Sport Games?


Limp Gawd
Dec 29, 2007
how GPU dependant are games like:

EA Fifa 2008
Top Spin

i say GPU because the PC will already have a C2D E4500 and 1gb of ram (for now).

planned GPU will be 2400Pro.. will that do well @ 1280x1024?

OS: Windows XP 32
I would get a better card than that on general principle. go for an hd 3750 from ati, good for all that stuff and some room for more taxing games.
haha i know. i know all about the high end stuff and what each can handle etcetc.

the low end 2400pro is for a friend of mine buying a dell. i cannot offer to build for him, dont wanna be tech support 24/7 and he said he just wants to play sport games (EA based)... was wondering if anyone had any idea
I have tried playing them on my laptop (integrated graphics). They don't play very well if at all. I can run them just fine on the wifes 7600.
not very taxing, , my youngest kid has been running them on a ti4800 until i resently upgraded him to a x1550 agp. He has an old p4 3.06 rig and he is fine.
thanks for the replies, r u guys talking about the 2008 version of the EA sport games?
EA dumbs down the graphics on PC ports. They always lag the console versions.

My son got Madden 08 for Christmas and he runs it fine on an Athlon64 3200+ and a x1800xtpe. Runs better than fine actually. He's maxxed every setting the game has and I've enabled the AA/AF in the drivers. the game looks awsome at 1280x1024 and is smooth as can be. He has a 17" monitor and 1gb ram btw if that matters any.
My son got Madden 08 for Christmas and he runs it fine on an Athlon64 3200+ and a x1800xtpe. Runs better than fine actually. He's maxxed every setting the game has and I've enabled the AA/AF in the drivers. the game looks awsome at 1280x1024 and is smooth as can be. He has a 17" monitor and 1gb ram btw if that matters any.

haha yea i can imagine. the x1800xt was a great card!

now the 2400pro on the other hand... haha well at least its not advertised as a gaming card. it does its job well (video related) was just wondering how it'll do on gaming certainly was a great card...served it's purpose well...but it IS getting a little dated. having only 16 rops and 16 shaders, it was able to hold it's own for quite some time. 2 years me it seems pathetic that the low-mid range cards don't have the same performance.

My son's machine has my old x1800xtpe in it, my wife has the old x1900gt that used to be in the HTPC, and now the HTPC has a hd2600xt. I didn't pay more than $130 for any of those cards (well...x1800 card I paid ~$400 for...but I sold an x800xl on ebay for $300...made the decision easy ;) ).

guess I haven't really paid attention to the graphics cards as of lately ...but the EA sports games don't seem to put a lot of stress on the system as the x1800 is cooled by that Aerocool S1 with no fans and it still doesn't get very hot while playing Madden.
Current generation EA Sports games are somewhere between the "last generation consoles" and "current generation consoles", but Moore- the guy who migrated from Microsoft to take the reins of EA Sports- has stated that they will be placing a greater emphasis on the PC going forward, which I expect to mean that the PC version of games like NHL '08 should be on-par with the console versions at the very least. Personally, as long as they get all the features of the latest console versions into the PC versions (which they failed to do this year, particularly in rather spectacular fashion for NHL '08- I'm generally a 2K Sports fan, and during the brief time I had my 360 before it exploded loved NHL 2K6 but have since reverted back to NHL 2K3 on my 'Cube, but NHL '08 definitely seemed to beat its 2K Sports counterpart not only in fun factor but in the realism sector as well, which is unusual for EA; thus, I looked forward to getting NHL '08 for the PC, but reading reviews after launch realized it simply wasn't the same game- it was more like NHL '07, which I did not at all like), I would be happy- I'll just crank up the AA and AF to make-up for the mediocre graphics. But graphics that truly take advantage of the power of the PC would be nice to say the least.

Anyway, my point is that it may perform well with the current generation of EA Sports games, but next year's installments may be a different story.