How hard to switch out laptop LCD?


Limp Gawd
Aug 14, 2005
I recently dropped my dell xps m1210 and messed up the screen really bad, as well as a little of the houseing. I've already figured out how much the new screen and stuff is going to cost but how hard is it to switch them out? It has the camera on it and everything so I'm just not sure.
if its your first time doing it... might as well pay the fee for someone else to fix it.. but if ur willing to do it urself.. It's going to be time consuming. got to be careful because wireless wires runs thru behind the lcd screen. the wires are also very easy to break/snap, if u accidentally use to much muscle.

check ur manufacturer if u still got warrenty.
I have done quite a few over the last ten or so years, mostly Compaq/HP as that is what we run here at work.

If you are fairly good at taking things apart to fix, I would definitely give it a go. Just go to your Manufacturer's website, get the PDF's for your model, go to Home Depot and get a some small hex screwdrivers and other tools and get to work. (RTFM!;) )

My only advice is to do the work on a big sheet of paper and place all your screws and such on the paper with notes to where they go. It may only be 10 screw or less, but its good practice so the proper screws go back in the proper spot.

A dell tech can swap it out in about 8 minutes.

The trick is knowing where to snap the plastic bezels open and how much force to apply.
My only advice is to do the work on a big sheet of paper and place all your screws and such on the paper with notes to where they go. It may only be 10 screw or less, but its good practice so the proper screws go back in the proper spot.

ill second this!!!
i learned that the hard way (taking apart a ibook, million little screws :confused: )
If you can find the instruction manual, then it is not that hard. I did that with a ThinkPad and it was easy. It took some time because I followed the directions to the letter, and making sure none of the pieces go missing.