How hot should A64 3200+ run?


May 18, 2006
My friend in Hong Kong is running his A64 3200+ (w/ single channel DDR) @ 69 degree c. Is that normal or should he consider some more efficient cooling? Thanks in advance for the help deeply appreciated.
69c is horrible if that is idle. He should be idling around 30-40c and load should be 50-60c...
^^What he said, and running that hot on a properly seated stock cooler means it looks like the case he's running has some serious ventillation issues. Without addressing better case airflow, with more fans and maybe reducing some cable clutter, a better CPU cooler isn't gonna help if the hot air is just sittin in the case.
The problem with his place is that it's pretty hot. Even to me. I guess he needs to cool down his surrounding and maybe install some more case fan to prevent overheating. (He seems to have some serious system stability problem and video card dying problem.) Anyways thanks for helping a n00b out:D
wow - 69C is way too hot and its no wonder he's running into stability problems. If he doesn't correct that soon he'll be frying that cpu. What is he using to measure his temps? Could he possibly be reading the wrong temp? It has happened before. That kind of temp sounds like a video card (gpu) temp.
Pretty warm there, have that same proc in my file server/encoding box. With stock cooler, Under 100% load 58c and idle ~44c.
I guess he saw the wrong temp when he first went in the BIOS but he is still clocking 59 degree. I don't know but I guess a little more fan and cooling doesn't hurt.
Like the guys above said, get some better case cooling going on and clean up the wires. On other cases that I have had, I have used a dremel tool to get a little more cooling.