How is 2001FP for FPS gaming?


Jul 15, 2004
I see the Dell is seriously dropped in price, but my concern is how good it is for FPS gaming...for me, ANY ghosting is unacceptable.

So anyone have an opinion on this?

Thanks in advance.
I sold two Sony 21inch GDM F520 monitors (without a doubt the finest 21 inch units money can buy) and replaced them with two 2001FPs. I have NEVER looked back.

Great performance compared to older and even most new LCD's. Very cool and much lower energy use. Bright as all hell, rock solid for DVD's and I play FPS non stop. I would say it is not 100% of a top end CRT its about 90% for gaming.

One thing I love about this unit over some other brands is the way it handles lower resolutions. LCD's have default sweet spot res, this one is 1600x1200 but most people don't have the horsepower to play Far Cry at that res. Well I can tell you when you drop it down to 1280 or 1024 its still great, although not as good as default its still awesome for LCD's

I would be hard pressed to find a better LCD for the money. There might be 1 or 2 units out there period that can beat this unit over all but it wins hands down in the $ category.

My two cents.
Well I think you might have missed the boat. The 25% off sale ended on the 14th but knowing Dell, I am sure there will be another sale and maybe a lower price but $749 shipped is one helluva deal. I got noticed that my 2001FP has shipped today. I was going to buy a Samsung 17" but fiogured the extra $250 for the Dell would be worth it.


I bought mine with the 25% off deal. Ordered it the 13th... it's now 6am on the 15th and according to UPS it's 1 town away. Ahhh I wish I could drive there and pick it up. The wait is going to kill me in the face. Hopefully it will meet my expectations when it arrives. Upgrading from a 19" Syncmaster 900NF crt. Well I'm off to click refresh on my UPS tracking page.
One thing I love about this unit over some other brands is the way it handles lower resolutions. LCD's have default sweet spot res, this one is 1600x1200 but most people don't have the horsepower to play Far Cry at that res. Well I can tell you when you drop it down to 1280 or 1024 its still great, although not as good as default its still awesome for LCD's

Amen. I love the fact that it scales well.
Thanks for the feedback guys...but I think only one person actually answered my question...d'oh! :rolleyes:

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy your monitors. :)
I actually got my 2001FP about two hours ago via Airborn Express. I played NFS:U and Farcry, and both look as good if not better than on my Viewsonic 20" G800. There is no ghosting at all, and at 75Hz it is quite fast even if I wanted to vsync it... although it looked fine without any changes at all. I also love the fact that there isn't ONE single dead pixel on it.