How is the 8.1 ATi driver working for you?

i'm most interested in seeing if this driver fixes the green screen problem in vista media center when watching OTA atsc channels i had with the onboard x1250 chipset. the release notes did not mention it in the issues resolved, but they also did not list it in the known issues, as they did with the 7.11 and 7.12 drivers. i get to find out this weekend, i'll report back.
well, the issue seems to be resolved. i didn't play around with it too much, but i was finally able to watch ota hdtv on my HTPC.
I'm getting BSOD's occasionally when activating profiles. I can't reproduce it on demand, but once in a while I'll be getting ready to fire up a game, and I activate the profile I created for it and a BSOD ensues.

Are you using Vista x64 by chance?
Always test a title with Crossfire on and off. If multi GPU isn't supported or doesn't perform well it may lower your FPS vs a single card.

Crossfire does fine in "Crysis" on the DX9 path using a combination of high and medium settings. If you are having performance problems try high shader all else medium. If you are doing well, factor in high texture, object and water. If you are still doing fine add high post processing and particles. I wouldn't bother with high shadows the performance hit vs the IQ return isn't worth it. High post processing and high particles are questionable as well. Turn them up and see if it matters to you.

I have yet to see anything on the market own all very high on the DX10 path in "Crysis".

I am using Vista x64 and I get the small white box too, exiting the tray icon makes it disappear. Other than that, I do not have odd behavior with the 8.1 driver.
I am using Vista x64 and I get the small white box too, exiting the tray icon makes it disappear. Other than that, I do not have odd behavior with the 8.1 driver.

Interesting, so it's got to be a hardware issue then...
My temps are only 40C or so, so a fault in the card itself then?
Crossfire wasn't working very well for me with the 8.1 drivers and Crysis 1.1, it seemed to work the best with 7.11Hotfix and Crysis 1.0. I tried to downgrade the drivers, but ended up confusing Vista x64. After I downgraded (removed 8.1 and used Catalyst uninstaller) to 7.11 Hotfix, every thing I started up would crash and 3Dmark06 stated that my hardware didn't support Shader 2.0... I have reinstalled Vista and am using the 8.1 drivers same perfromance in Crysis as before. Crossfire seems to change nothing from a single card. 3Dmark is 10k single 14k crossfire.
The small white box disappears when I have some D3D/OGL application active. Think it was left activated by mistake when they rolled out the drivers.
Vista x64 here. 8.1 works fine for my desktop stuff and Counter-Strike Source gaming=no problems.
Im running crossfire with these drivers 8.1 hotfix and Im getting really
good FPS in crysis @ 1680 x 1050 using custom config from
crymod the guys name is tawo wolf some thing like that. Im
getting high 50s + with everything set to high except game effects med
and one other setting med. I forget. also FYI the 8.1 hot fix is just the
drivers. No ccc you need to keep ccc when you install these drivers.
in control panel unistall just ATI drivers then boot to safe mode
use driver cleaner pro to clean ATI drivers then use cab cleaner
in driver cleaner pro. boot to windows and install your new drivers.
If you don't have driver cleaner pro get it! it will save you alot pain

I have had no problems since I started installing drivers this way
being nvidia or ati. I just hope this helps some one ...

My system
E6600 @ 3.0 Abit AW9D MB
2GIG Ram
1HD 3870 visiontek stock...might oc it a little bit
1HD 3850 his Ice Q turbo custom bios flash
I just installed the 8.1 drivers on my main machine and they seem to be working fine.
Im running crossfire with these drivers 8.1 hotfix and Im getting really
good FPS in crysis @ 1680 x 1050 using custom config from
crymod the guys name is tawo wolf some thing like that. Im
getting high 50s + with everything set to high except game effects med
and one other setting med. I forget. also FYI the 8.1 hot fix is just the
drivers. No ccc you need to keep ccc when you install these drivers.
in control panel unistall just ATI drivers then boot to safe mode
use driver cleaner pro to clean ATI drivers then use cab cleaner
in driver cleaner pro. boot to windows and install your new drivers.
If you don't have driver cleaner pro get it! it will save you alot pain

I have had no problems since I started installing drivers this way
being nvidia or ati. I just hope this helps some one ...

Tried it and get an error installing the drivers INF file not found....
I can't get CCC to start anymore.

It works fine with 7.12

I had a similar issue after updating to 8.1 from some very old drivers. After I ran Windows Update and installed all the optional .NET updates, CCC worked again.
I was having this issue with 7.10 - 7.12 that would make my desktop wallpaper disappear when CCC started with Windows. It was happening on three different boxes and 8.1 seems to have resolved this. Framerate seems better in Crysis and Gears of War as well on my main rig.
I have the 8.1 Hotfix running and I still do not see much difference w or w/o crossfire in Crysis. With the 7.11 hotfix and Crysis DX9 had a 50% increase in FPS.

The error I had was a result of not allowing Vista to install the Standard VGA drivers and rebooting prior to me trying to install the catalyst drivers. Fixed it... and Most other games show improvement with Crossfire enabled.
For me it went like this.

I bought my 2900 pro and started with 8.1:
8.1 Bad performance, no ati tool support, no ati tray tools support, bad scores in most stuff
7.11 Good all around, MASSIVE green bars around the screen in Crysis
7.11 hotfix. All good.