How large of a file would you upload via HTTP?


Sep 15, 2007
I made an upload system based on Celeron Dude's Uploader 6 so clients can upload stuff without using FTP. What size would you allow as the largest single file for upload via HTTP?

I uploaded a 100mb file that took a couple of minutes. As far as I see it, as long as PHP doesn't time out, the restriction is really the users upload speed. I'm thinking if their file is less than 200 or 300mb, upload via the web form, otherwise use FTP.

I'm trying to think of the largest file I have uploaded via HTTP on other sites...what do you think?
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the problem is that http always has the potential to hicup for whatever reason. if you want large web-based uploads you'd want to look into a flash or java based solution. not that they handle resumeable uploads (afaik) but i guess they handle network hicups better (think youtube uploader).

also, i can't remember if php's memory limit setting (not the max upload size setting) has any effect on uploading large files. presumably it's smart enough to not buffer the whole file in memory before sending it.
Hmm good idea regarding the Flash solution. I just searched around a bit and found a couple of good Flash uploaders. One of the benefits they are promoting with the Flash uploaders is the handling of large files, so perhaps this might be a better solution.