How long has this place Been here?

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Apr 17, 2005
Im looking at some people user info and it shows they have been here for 20+ 30+ 40+ years

HOW is that even possible?

Okay, let me rephrase that because obviously its not and its obvious that its admin controlled and so my question is revised to as follows

those with those type of numbers, is it because they are special member?

Im only asking because longevity on this site, as well as if your an admin and such, shows me (as just one aspect) that you are trust worthy to deal with (with regard to trading/selling/buying).

Also, Im very nosy person

how do I get that type of elite status? Okay, obviously I cant. Anyways, just wondering and sorry ahead of time if its an inappropriate question to ask. Just curious is all.
Don't burden yourself with the secrets of scary people OP...
I think the longest that I have seen is the Man Himself - Kyle at 14 something years I think.
The vBull version of the forums opened in March of 2000. Kyle's length of membership also shows the total from the original forum, which proved inadequate due to the high traffic it generated.
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