How Long To Beat. A certain game!!


Mar 25, 2005
So i was cruising Reddit today and came across this little beauty of a site, didnt find it in search here so decided to post.

Basically its a user fed site that collates game completion times and adds them to the database with highest times, lowest times and averages for most games out there. You dont need to register either. Its pretty new so most games only have a couple of submissions but would help with all the "How long is ??????? Game that just came out?" threads.

I am in now way affiliated with the site and literally just found it a few minutes ago. All props go to Everdred whoever that is. Great site pal. Shows promise.
Too bad the only time for completion I remember is RE4 so I just submitted that. First time it was 17 hours, then on second playthrough 9, then 6, 4, 3 hours. 02:45 or something was my best.
I'm not sure how accurate this is going to be. Looks like some people are posting times of speed runs, which to me, doesn't tell me how long a game is. Look at Super Mario Bros 2 -- it's time is .5 hours... yeah, possible, hitting all the warps, but you're not going to do that on your first time through.

He should toss up another section for speed runs so people can flash the e-peens and we can make sure we get accurate data.
Cool site! I agree it should have a separate option for speed-runs so as not to skew the overall stats too much. Then again, it's pretty easy to tell which games lend themselves to speed-runs and which ones are more time-killers where you want to spend a as much time as possible and maybe go for the elusive 100%.

Submitted, JC2: 80 hours... What a great game! (still haven't gotten 100% on it) :D
Steam makes this super easy. I just submitted a bunch of games and discovered that I get a lot of play time out of my games.
Final Fantasy 8 can be done in under 24 hours fairly easily yet they have 28 hours as shortest.... noobs :rolleyes: :p Submitted my entry for that and a few others.

Apart from that, nice database.
You should definately seperate the speedruns to a different category. Otherwise there shall be things like 10 minutes for quake, when it would take normal people a few hours.

It will make it not really a clear sign of how long a game will take realistically, and change the averages to be unrealistic and unrealiable. Should make it "how long did it take you your first time" as most speed runs are 2nd/300th attempts. People will still exaggerate, but still :D
to bad steam doesn't show this info. they show long you played a game but they should also be able to tell when you finish it and how long each play though was. this is a cool idea but, need a lot more data to be valid. i dont remember how long it takes me to finish games but, this chart makes it seem like i am pretty slow at beating game. games i like i tend to slow down in so dont finish them to quick. i spend more time exploring and soaking up as much as i can.
I've been looking for something like this. Very cool idea, but it would be nice if you could see the breakdown by player. I mean how many players it took 6 hours, how many 8, how many 32, etc. The people with the extreme high and low times really throw off the average.
That is actually really cool, thanks for posting.

What they need to do is add date released and then plot release date vs average time to complete, i'd be interested to see a trend of game length over time.
Waiting for someone to submit The Witcher. I'm playing that right now and I'm only just starting the 3rd chapter. So far I'm at 28 hours.