How long to run Prime95 Large FFTs = "stable computer"

Oct 30, 2007
So I'm overclocking an E2160 1.8ghz to 3.2ghz, its my first ever OC as well (400 x 8 clock, pretty simple I think). I was able to run Prime95's Large FFTs for about 7 hours overnight, then it crashed. Is this considered stable? The reason I ask is that it seems like the large FFTs keep increasing the math or intensity overtime, so is this just overkill testing your CPU until it finally crashes or what? I suppose I could test this theory by running Large FFTs on a non OC'd E2160 for a few days, but I don't have that time to waste. ;)

Anyone know? My OC seems to be fine for such a long time, especially at small FFTs, but large it just eventually crashes everytime no matter what.
i would say 24hrs, unless "large ffts" is something different then what i've been used to doing? is "large ffts" the one that heats it up the most?

it also depends what your'e doing, if you're doing folding@home calculations then you should have a higher threshold for stability. if you're just gaming and it works fine, then it's all good.
I'm pretty sure that a stable system should NEVER crash while torture testing. You only run it for 24 hours or so because after that you can assume the computer will continue to run without crashing after that.