How long will AGP stay in the market?


Limp Gawd
Oct 9, 2004
I'm just curius as to how long ATI and nVida will make AGP video cards, before their whole line-up will only be PCI-e? I'm planning on building a computer soon, and all these new technoligies are starting to unfold, and I want to make sure my computer will be futureproof for a while, as in a couple of years. :confused:
Agreed. From what I've heard ATI isn't even planning to release AGP X700s. If that's setting the tone for the near future than an AGP mobo certainly wouldn't be very future-proof.
After this generation AGP is pretty much dead. So if you're in the market for a new card, wait a month or two and get a PCI-e mainboard + PCI-e videocard.
seeing as the nforce 4 is pci-e only, it shows nvidia's attitude toward the matter. It's much cheaper to produce only pci-e cards than agp and pci-e cards. There's a big push for pci-e, but I'm sure a lot of people are going to hold on to their agp cards. Especially people like me who just plopped down $400 for a card.
I don't think you have to worry

much like SATA harddrives...everyone in the world hasn't rushed to get them so regular IDE is still around

TOOOOOo many people still own AGP motherboards for it to be a mass exodus to PCI-e

This isn't really the same scenario like DVD players vs VCR. If you buy an AGP motherboard don't fear, they'll still make video cards for it in the future.
mickey987 said:
...and I want to make sure my computer will be futureproof for a while, as in a couple of years.

LOL Futureproof if thats not a dead term in the pc industry. Thats been a dead idea for like 2 and a half yrs and counting :D :D
AGP will be around for a long long time, to many mb out there still have AGP... Keep in mind they still sell pretty good PCI cards.....STILL
darktiger said:
AGP will be around for a long long time, to many mb out there still have AGP... Keep in mind they still sell pretty good PCI cards.....STILL
The main reason for PCI cards is for macs... Otherwise, no real reason.
They may still make AGP cards, but they may not make a future high-end card in AGP flavor. To me that's no big deal, with the current high-end AGP cards (X800 XT PE for me or 6800 for others) the bottleneck is the processor anyway. There will be no faster Intel processors for the AGP motherboards, and I imagine soon there will be few faster AMD processors for AGP boards as well. What good will a faster AGP card be when there are no processors to take advantage of their speed?
darktiger said:
AGP will be around for a long long time, to many mb out there still have AGP... Keep in mind they still sell pretty good PCI cards.....STILL
That is because all cards (sound, hdd controllers etc) other than AGP and PCIe vid cards are PCI cards. PCIe slots will replace the agp slot unless they decide to put both and I doubt the feasibility of that.
Worldhammer said:
That is because all cards (sound, hdd controllers etc) other than AGP and PCIe vid cards are PCI cards. PCIe slots will replace the agp slot unless they decide to put both and I doubt the feasability of that.

i think what darktiger meant was that they still make pci video cards (which they still do).....but PCIe is eventually going to replace regular PCI as well; there are many different flavors of PCIe (x1, x2, x4, x8, x16, x32); if i remember correctly, i think PCIe x1 would be the replacement for regular PCI
Jonsey said:
They may still make AGP cards, but they may not make a future high-end card in AGP flavor. To me that's no big deal, with the current high-end AGP cards (X800 XT PE for me or 6800 for others) the bottleneck is the processor anyway. There will be no faster Intel processors for the AGP motherboards, and I imagine soon there will be few faster AMD processors for AGP boards as well. What good will a faster AGP card be when there are no processors to take advantage of their speed?

I agree. I'm sure AGP will become the "budget" choice of video subsystem.

Ameron said:
In a year or two AGP Über Ultra 32x will come (or something)...


I disagree with you here. PCI-E removes the technical issues that the AGP/PCI bus is plagued with. And because of that I SERIOUSLY doubt that there will be any further development on anything PCI bus based (sans "PCI-E").
Where are the PCI-E 1x cards? All this talk of AGP being phased out really makes me wonder why no 1x things like sound cards, modems and ethernet adapters and such are around. Come to think of it, they still make PCI graphics cards, don't they? AGP still has some life left in it and will take a while to completely disapear, like ISA.
Netrat33 said:
I don't think you have to worry

much like SATA harddrives...everyone in the world hasn't rushed to get them so regular IDE is still around

TOOOOOo many people still own AGP motherboards for it to be a mass exodus to PCI-e

This isn't really the same scenario like DVD players vs VCR. If you buy an AGP motherboard don't fear, they'll still make video cards for it in the future.

This will be true for the average joe, but for enthusiasts it will not. Most people that are buying the latest and greatest will also have the latest motherboards, which will be pcie,
but the people like myself that hold onto their computers a good 2 years before upgrading, i will do just fine with a 9800pro for awhile.
darktiger said:
AGP will be around for a long long time, to many mb out there still have AGP... Keep in mind they still sell pretty good PCI cards.....STILL

i totally agree...we have not nearly tapped the performance that AGP 8x has to offer...and i dont think we will ever tapp the PCIe performance eather...and this would have been the best generation ifsolid state hard drives would have came out..the Computers would have been sooo fast...i believe a computer is fast only with a raid array...

my 2 cents
I waited to build for the longest time, and when I heard of pci-e being released, I waited a little more. However, with it just around the corner, I decided to go with AGP. That pci-e will take over, I have no doubt. I just don't want to jump on a potentially buggy bandwagon. And just as soon as I bought a pci-e 1st revision card, the 2nd revision would come out that would fix all the bugs.

Bleh, I have a game or two I've been waiting for and need a system now.
Nothing is future proof in PC. Your AGP is dead in 2005 when new PCI express only video cards will be surfacing around that time frame (for high end vide cards). ATI and Nvidia still make PCI video cards still so I don't expect them to kill AGP off all together. But you shouldn't buy first generation PCI express hardware until a few revisions later. Don't expect a huge adopting in 2005 if you already purchased this generation of the latest and greatest video card.
has anyone noticed that the current PCIe vid cards arent' faster (if anything a little slower) than current AGP 8x cards, like the 6800GT? Why is that?
Dallows said:
has anyone noticed that the current PCIe vid cards arent' faster (if anything a little slower) than current AGP 8x cards, like the 6800GT? Why is that?
Bridge chip.
Dallows said:
has anyone noticed that the current PCIe vid cards arent' faster (if anything a little slower) than current AGP 8x cards, like the 6800GT? Why is that?

It's because their flux capacitors aren't supplied with the proper 1.21 jiggawatts necessary to run them. :p
Intel says they will make AGP slot boards till at least 2008.
Tips for today's computer purchase...

-Stick with AGP now (face it; AGP is going nowhere anytime soon. By the time you upgrade again it will be 2-3 years later.)
-Move onto SATA (IDE is slow, cumbersome, problematic, and space consuming)
-Make sure you are Dual Channel DDR (DDR2 still has yet to show performance yields. 1GB+ PC3500 will give you enough system workspace for today's applications)
-64bit architecture is showing promise for XP64 and games applications, (GO 64 if you can)
-Buy a SATA compatible high wattage PSU (Stick to name brands: Enermax, Antec, Vantec, Sparkle)
-At least have 5.1 surround capabilities for your PC (for those cool movies and such)
-Be prepared for DVI and Digital video connectivity (You will want to connect your PC to your NEW digital television.)
-Embrace dual layered DVD burning (Blue laser is a long time off)
-Be prepared for tomorrow’s games with the highest speed video card you can purchase.

And lastly...
-Buy and enjoy playing your games on your new high end system of today. Laugh at the fucks waiting for next technologies.

-When new faster stuff comes out, overclock and stay [H]ard.

That seems about right now.
AGP is as future proof as any socket motherboard and processor you get right now.

So yeah, 3 years down the road AGP may be obsolete, but so will your socket 939 and 775 CPUs and Mobos, and you'll have to upgrade everything, so wtf are you worried about?
MOC said:
Intel says they will make AGP slot boards till at least 2008.

Those AGP boards won't do much good if the graphics market is focused on PCI-e.
I hope PCI-e becomes mainstream and everyone goes out to buy one. That way, the AGP cards like the 6800GT's or the X800XT's will come down in price and I can finally buy one. :D
Lol good reasoning... I am not upgrading any time soon, i think i will buy an AGP 6600GT when they come available and keep that for at least a year... I got by with my 4200 for almost 2 years and the 6600GT will be more future proof so i have high hopes ;)
jeffoz said:
AGP is as future proof as any socket motherboard and processor you get right now.

So yeah, 3 years down the road AGP may be obsolete, but so will your socket 939 and 775 CPUs and Mobos, and you'll have to upgrade everything, so wtf are you worried about?

Quoted for truth. Think about how many have already bought the new generation cards (x800, 6800) in the AGP versions. Even if you desired to upgrade to pci-e, think about how much money you will need to spend all over again.
How long has Intel had 3 GHz processors? Almost 2 years? The fastest Intel processors now aren't even 20% faster. DDR2 is a waste of money. I bet my old 865 board with a 3 GHz chip and a gig of slow PC3500 RAM and a X800 XT PE will last a long time. What is there in the future that will make me upgrade?

I'm just going to sit on what I've got until I see something that can give me a real difference in computing power. DDR2 and PCI-E as they exist now aren't going to do it.
nvidia has their reversable bridge, so as long as their is demand, they will make cards in both flavors. Future cards will be PCIe native with a bridge chip on the PCB to convert it to AGP and will probably be the SAME exact speed as the PCIe equivalent.

You may have to pay a premium for the extra chip, but I'm pretty sure it will be available for some time to come. However, if I was in the market for a new mobo, I would obviously get a PCIe mobo b/c it is the path for the future.
i also head that the 8x apg has not even been tapped out yet.
in in the pc gamer they have a shoot out with an alienware with the fx 53 vs.
a faclon gameing rig with the 3.6 and the pci video card,
guess what
the alien ware with the apg kicks its butt
so apg will be a here for a long time
Jonsey said:
How long has Intel had 3 GHz processors? Almost 2 years? The fastest Intel processors now aren't even 20% faster. DDR2 is a waste of money. I bet my old 865 board with a 3 GHz chip and a gig of slow PC3500 RAM and a X800 XT PE will last a long time. What is there in the future that will make me upgrade?

I'm just going to sit on what I've got until I see something that can give me a real difference in computing power. DDR2 and PCI-E as they exist now aren't going to do it.

Perhaps they reached that number in raw GHz two years ago, but any new high end P4 will out peform what they released back then by more than just 20% even if the GHz itself isn't much higher at only 3.4 or 3.6
Well, my 3.0 is an 800 FSB model. It will do 3.5 on air and 4 frozen. How much better is a high end intel than that? My point is that there is a clockspeed wall coming up. Like it or not, if you don't give in to hype, performance (at least on the CPU side of things) isn't going up nearly as fast as it once did. That means I can space out my upgrades more.
lol...its not about hte 2.2ghz AMD athlon xp 3200+ could kick the shit out of a 2.4ghz p4......its also about instructions per clock cycle.....bus speed, that kind of stuff.....a diesel engine gets more horsepower at lower RPMs compared to a v8 that gets really high rpms but at lots lower horsepower.....there both better at different AMD is better at games, and intel is better at encoding and crap like that....

now...pci-e is nothing to worry bout...stick with agp for now...because even if you pci-e now, youll have to upgrade before its reached its potential anyway....
Go with AGP, they have almost all the problems worked out, the first generation of PCI-e will have bugs and buggy motherboards that didn't implement things well.
I had a AMD K7 750MHz with a MSI motherboard, now it said it could do agp 2x, but it was a dang lie, it never could do 2x! So i was always stuck at stupid 1x with that board.

You guys make 3.0ghz sound slow, you could still have my main pc which is a 1.13 tualatin P3 with 512mb SDRam, i have about 3 years into this computer :) This is changing though since i have just ordered my next upgrade parts.