How many GX2 owners are going to upgrade to a 280?

How many GX2 owners are going to upgrade to a 280?

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Feb 16, 2007
How many GX2 owners are going to upgrade to a 280?

I will because I am on a Step Up, and probably will cost me less than $60 bucks.
probably me, i have 24 days to think about the step-up... I'm getting random artifacts when watching movies with my GX2. If didn't have that problem, I wouldn't step up.

about $110 for me because my gx2 cost only $539.99 if the GTX280 is $650
I'm gonna do it as soon as BFG enables it on their website.

I paid $579 for my GX2 so the difference isn't bad at all.
I still have another month to step up my EVGA GX2 SSC so I am somewhat undecided for now,as far as I am concerned weither you are talking about my current card or the new GTX280,they both suck when it comes to running Crysis.Of course stepping up is quite inexpensive,we shall see...
I was getting ready to go to battle with the wife over this upgrade but nah. It's very tempting but I'm going to sit this one out unless some future title swift kicks my GX2 in the nutz. Besides, the gains aren't that great where I feel that I must have it, according to [H] at least. I do like the very low power draw while the card is idle, but I'm not spending $649 for it. If I could step up for a few bucks I'd be all over it, but my last step up was to a GX2. Oh wellz.
I'm still debating on whether I should step up or not. Stepping up would cost me just $70, but I just am not 100% sure I want to.
ooopps public poll :eek:
hehe, i just like to click on polls :D
While I wouldn't buy a brand-new GTX 280, I'm definitely going to use my step-up upgrade as soon as EVGA posts the new cards tomorrow. I currently drive 3 monitors (dual LCDs and a 1080p TV) on my 9800 GX2. It's a pain to have to turn SLI on and off for graphically demanding games. This solves that issue. Also, I'm not so sure why people in the other GTX 280 threads are saying it's a step-down from the GX2. From the HardOCP review, it seems like the 280 beats the GX2 in everything.
While I wouldn't buy a brand-new GTX 280, I'm definitely going to use my step-up upgrade as soon as EVGA posts the new cards tomorrow. I currently drive 3 monitors (dual LCDs and a 1080p TV) on my 9800 GX2. It's a pain to have to turn SLI on and off for graphically demanding games. This solves that issue. Also, I'm not so sure why people are saying it's a step-down from the GX2. From the HardOCP review, it seems like the 280 beats the GX2 in everything.

I'll probably end up stepping up, since it's only $70 bucks for me. If the 4870 reviews show them to be on par with the GTX 280s, then I can just sell my GTX 280 and buy me 2 brand new 4870s for a nice Crossfire setup, since I already have an Intel mobo. :D
I think the 280 does have the performance edge over the GX2, but not by much...

I'll take it for $60 bucks. If it was much more than that, I wouldn't.

My EVGA SSC cost 609.00 on April 1st.
well, either way we're all paying ~$660 for it whether we spent 400 or 600 on the gx2 haha
Well after reading Hardocp's review once again, Crysis is still not playable at very high settings with this card and any kind of anti-aliasing is obviously out of the question at 1920X1200 so I wont even bother.I game at 1920x1200 and while it would be somewhat of an upgrade to step up to a 280 from my GX2, the gains are too small for me to be without a video card for any lenght of time...
~$70 for me but having a hard time justifying it..Long live the 9800GX2!!..:p
My brother sold me his GX2 for $50 because he convinced work to spring for one of those new D900 monstrosity DTR laptops. I eBayed the GX2 for $550 and will buy a 260. I just can't pull the trigger on a $600+ video card.
Why??the GTX 260 is no match for a GX2..:rolleyes:

LOL, misinformed much? It's faster... especially at settings people play at with AA and AF :rolleyes: . Not my job to educate you on what is becoming common knowledge already.
LOL, misinformed much? It's faster... especially at settings people play at with AA and AF :rolleyes: . Not my job to educate you on what is becoming common knowledge already.

I asked you to educate me??Are you the spokesnerd for Nvidia now??Get real..Apparently 83% of those in this poll disagree with you..

BTW..Which benchmark shows a GTX260 outperform the 9800GX2??
gtx260 ? from what i have been reading the gtx280 is pretty even with the gx2, ie the gx2 leads in some games, the 280 in others. i dont see how a gtx260 could be better than a gx2, hence better than a gtx 280?
gtx260 ? from what i have been reading the gtx280 is pretty even with the gx2, ie the gx2 leads in some games, the 280 in others. i dont see how a gtx260 could be better than a gx2, hence better than a gtx 280?

i agree, maybe knows something we dont.. :confused: :confused:
gtx260 ? from what i have been reading the gtx280 is pretty even with the gx2, ie the gx2 leads in some games, the 280 in others. i dont see how a gtx260 could be better than a gx2, hence better than a gtx 280?

And thats the purpose of this poll and so far the numbers reflect that..

I'm going to buy the GX2's, and would not step up to the 280's in any time period.

LOL @ the guy saying the 260 is better than the GX2. haha, best thing I've read all day. Thanks for the laugh mate.
Correct me if im wrong, but in the [H] review didnt the GTX260 (slightly) outperform the GX2 in Crysis, Assasin's Creed and Call of Duty 4? Before they overclocked it?

Crysis: Same settings for both cards - 260 = 30.1fps and GX2 = 28.7fps

The 260 ran Assasins Creed with AA on where th GX2 could not. It also ran CoD 4 at a higher resolution with higher AA...
only with the step up , for the fact it there will be after market air coolers, theres none for the gx2 and i don't wana water cool it :)
Correct me if im wrong, but in the [H] review didnt the GTX260 (slightly) outperform the GX2 in Crysis, Assasin's Creed and Call of Duty 4? Before they overclocked it?

Crysis: Same settings for both cards - 260 = 30.1fps and GX2 = 28.7fps

The 260 ran Assasins Creed with AA on where th GX2 could not. It also ran CoD 4 at a higher resolution with higher AA...

Considering the GX2 outdoes the 280 in Crysis, COD4, Assassins Creed, Bioshock (ok, just click the link), not seeing how that'd be possible.

I'm not buying the [H] review since more reviews say the GTX 280 isn't anything spectacular.
Considering the GX2 outdoes the 280 in Crysis, COD4, Assassins Creed, Bioshock (ok, just click the link), not seeing how that'd be possible.

I'm not buying the [H] review since more reviews say the GTX 280 isn't anything spectacular.

Im aware of that but at what settings? Is that all medium? DX9? DX10?

THe [H] review lays everything out and leaves no room for guessing. That goes the same for all of the games they benched.
I think im gonna buy a gx2 tonight and if it isnt a big enough difference then i might try the gtx280, i really do like the step up option