How many instances of this tor032.exe should be up?


Aug 23, 2004
I have 2GB of RAM, and it always seems like over 50% has to be used. The only programs that are always on are Object Dock, Window Blinds, Norton, Aero Weather, this L.I.S. VFD display controller, and AIM. 512KB should be able to run this ok, if not, 1GB is SURE to. So what's making my RAM over 50%? (Firefox isn't even on) It looks like it's this tor032.exe. I did a bit of reading and understand that a few should be up, but this amount is ridiculous. I don't have any other users on this computer except me. Is this normal? And should it be storing that much in the memory?


Excuse the n00b question.
According to this site, each instance of tor032.exe is a running torrent file. In my experience, torrents can eat up ram, especially if you leave them running for an extended amount of time.
Ah, thankee thankee. I guess I can stop seeding all these mixes then.