How many of you have beaten Doom 3?

Jul 25, 2004
This game is starting to frustrate me...I keep getting in these levels and I just run around in circles and can't figure out where to go. How many of you have actually beaten it?
I would beat it if I wasnt too scared to play it...when my room mate gets home ill start it up again ;)
Same here, fully charged BF shot, soul cube, and Sarge was down. He didn't even get enough time to shoot. I was kinda disappointed though.

The soul cube works on everything in the game, and I can recall only two bosses who don't die in one hit, Sarge being one of them.
ThisMonsterLives said:
Sarge is pretty easy I hit him with the Soul Cube and 4 rockets and he went down.
Yeah I saved my soulcube just for him, then I made him eat chaingun and he went down like nothing. I'm not done btw :x
..... i have yet to find the bfg, people said they had it when they fought the demons that come through the portal before you go to hell, and when they faught the gardian in hell... neither time i had the bfg.. And now against sarge i still dont have bfg....... Will i get it ever?

EDIT: lol just did the soul cube then like 5 rockets and he went down.. i though i had to like shoot the bfg shots and make them blow up early then shoot him and then do something with the different pillars that light up and stuff.... kidna gay
i havent beaten it... i can only play for like 30 minutes at a time cause its so scary and i can only play at night because that is just how it is meant to be playn... lol im only in alpha labs

warsawtag said:
i havent beaten it... i can only play for like 30 minutes at a time cause its so scary and i can only play at night because that is just how it is meant to be playn... lol im only in alpha labs

Shhhhh, don't tell anyone but I am in the same boat ;) .
I'm in hell now on what I've been told is the last level but so far I havent gotten around to playing the game for a few days.
NotChunks said:
I'm in hell now on what I've been told is the last level but so far I havent gotten around to playing the game for a few days.
Hell is not the last level. You got like 4 more left. ;)
NotChunks said:
I'm in hell now on what I've been told is the last level but so far I havent gotten around to playing the game for a few days.

You got a few more levels to go

** possible spoiler **

Mars City 1 - game/
Mars City Underground - game/
Mars City 2 - game/
Administration - game/
Alpha Labs Sector 1 - game/
Alpha Labs Sector 2 - game/
Alpha Labs Sector 3 - game/
Alpha Labs Sector 4 - game/
EnPro Plant - game/
Communications Transfer - game/
Communications - game/
Monorail Skybridge - game/
Recycling Sector 2 - game/
Monorail - game/
Delta Labs Level 1 - game/
Delta Labs Level 2A - game/
Delta Labs Level 2B - game/
Delta Labs Level 3 - game/
Delta Labs Level 4 - game/
Hell - game/
Delta Complex - game/
CPU Complex - game/
Central Processing - game/
Site 3 - game/
Caverns Area 1 - game/
Caverns Area 2 - game/
Primary Excavation - game/
I never got lost once, I actually found the game too linear and simple, although its still amazing. The trick to not getting lost is to never backtrack unless you have too and pay attention to EVERY computer in the game. There are so many of them that you need to switch and are partially hidden.
I am in some area with a huge boss, I hit him with the soulcube and the bfg, he wont stay down:(
Beat it last night.
Now some fun using give all and god.
I am killing everybody I meet friend or foe.
warsawtag said:
i havent beaten it... i can only play for like 30 minutes at a time cause its so scary and i can only play at night because that is just how it is meant to be playn... lol im only in alpha labs


Still in alpha labs myself :rolleyes:
I've beaten. All around great experience, leagues ahead of Far Cry. Eagerly awaiting HL2 now.
im let down, the game was great, but now its done, and its back to waiting for another game. 3 Days, I spent many hours, did pretty much everything.

Time to uninstall, get ready for HL2 :S
gemini8026 said:
im let down, the game was great, but now its done, and its back to waiting for another game. 3 Days, I spent many hours, did pretty much everything.

Time to uninstall, get ready for HL2 :S

uHH,,, Multiplayer?? :p

I just beat it about 5 minutes ago at standard difficulty. I might try veteran next (or whatever the 3rd one was) - but that sucked up way too many hours in the last three days, so I need a break first :D

Awesome game, ID.

Just wonderful....all the hours I've spent and I've only got 10 down and 17 left to go. At this rate I'll beat it in time for DoomIV.
I finally beat it yesterday, but I went at a very leisure pace.
Metric said:
have they left it open for a Doom 4? what happens in the end?

Spoiler *..* Highlight

[COLOR=#22222]Yes the ending leads into another Doom :D [/COLOR]
I'm at the enpro level. too scary to play more than 3 hours at a time :p
Finished it too yesterday -- what an awesome ride!!

I'm so glad that id has raised the graphics bar by a few notches. With the exception of Far Cry, Doom 3 makes all other shooters look like Pong right now :D

IMO it blows Far Cry out of the water when it comes to graphics and intensity, but both games are awesome so this is a great time to be a gamer :cool:
calebb said:
uHH,,, Multiplayer?? :p

I just beat it about 5 minutes ago at standard difficulty. I might try veteran next (or whatever the 3rd one was) - but that sucked up way too many hours in the last three days, so I need a break first :D

Awesome game, ID.


Go for Nightmare. I started on veteran and I don't think it's all that hard. I don't consider myself that good at these types of games either.
I'm stuck like anything. Where you've gotta use the lift to get to some control room to unlock the door. That's a terrible description, but I'm at work and can't remember the name of the level.
I have a wife and a life, so i havnt finished the game yet... maybe one day when i have a handfull of solid hours to waste away in front of a monitor.