how many passes of memtest to determine if it's stable memory?

i usually run it overnight, around 8hrs. i've read some just do 1-2 passes but i'd go for at least 4-5.
I say at minimum 24 hours of memtest86+ is required to limit the chance of having a dimm that experiences bit flips. Although I have seen a system where it took 72 hours to hit the first error most of the bad ram that I have tested (work, home other I have 100s of systems) will show errors in the first day of testing of memtest86+. Also search this thread for my comments about hcl memtest. I do not have the time to repeat myself at this moment but I recommend looking into that..
Always wondered about Memtest.
How do you determine which stick is bad if you find errors?
Do you have to check each individual stick to find out?
I like to see newly installed memory run error free for at least 24 hours with Memtest86+.

As far as which module is bad, you'll typically see the failing address is common (hex address). You can usually make a reasonable guess at which module is failing by looking at that address.
I think there are two concepts here, failed memory and stability.

To find failed memory, I think you'll typically find it on the first pass, though I run 2 just to be certain.

For stability, I do test for 12-24 hours with PRIME.
2 minimum. I've seen memory pass 1 complete pass and fail the 2nd.

I always do 2 minimum (if it's a system that needs to get "done") but usually just let it run overnight 4+ hours (which depending on the system usually ends up being at least 3-4 complete passes).
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I've had modules test fine for several hours with one diagnostic but make a different diagnostic report errors in 2-15 minutes, and another person said MemTest86 or MemTest86+ found nothing, probably in over 24 hours of continuous testing, while Gold Memory revealed an error in 76 minutes but took another 9 hours to find that error again.

The very recent (turn of the century) evaluations of memory diagnostics done by ran each one for at least 12 hours:

review 1
review 2

Part of me hates wasting time testing when the RMA process these days is so fast and simple.
The memory that was in this box ran Memtest without a hitch, but the PC blue-screened randomly. Prime 95 found the dodgy memory in minutes. Kudos to QuietPC for an excellent RMA process.
I usually find my memory problems in the first pass. However I am usually having problems with the system when I run the test.
I usually find my memory problems in the first pass.

I seem to never ever find memory problems on the first pass of memtest86+ and I have tested 100s of systems with dozens of memory failures.
I seem to never ever find memory problems on the first pass of memtest86+ and I have tested 100s of systems with dozens of memory failures.

Fortunately or unfortunately (however you look at it) :D my result have been different.

I have had 5 memory related failures in the past few years and they all showed up in the first test pass. And it has always been test 5 that they failed. I have had a couple sticks that would not even boot to run the test. The last bad module would get to test 5 and freeze the system on every try.

Symptoms on the systems with problems were BSOD at random, random reboots with no BSOD, and failure to post or boot.

Memory brands were GSkill (2 failures), Corsair (2 failures), and Crucial.
I think there are two concepts here, failed memory and stability.

To find failed memory, I think you'll typically find it on the first pass, though I run 2 just to be certain.

For stability, I do test for 12-24 hours with PRIME.

This is what I was going to add... Bad memory shows up almost immediately in most cases.
I let Memtest run overnight for a new build. I also run Prime95 overnight to test stability.
memory problems? Hmm, I cannot remember ever having them

Memtest+ is good, I do two passes, if its good, then off I go and do a Prime95 and hit it all hard for at least 12-24 hours, unless I am in dangerous voltages due to OC'ing, then if I can run Prime95 for say 10-15 minutes, then I call it good, run the 3DMark and gtfo fast. If your just running stock though, yeah do it a couple passes IMO.
I normally run atleast 8 hours overnight to test the memory sticks. I run prime95 on my Overclocks for 12 hours to make sure they are completely stable.
But when you get the replacement RAM, you have to test it anyway, so how does that help?

Fully agreed. The ram you get back from an RMA could be just as bad as the ram you sent in..