How many people Switching to nVidia?

How many people switching to nVidia?

  • Switching from ATi to nVidia

    Votes: 210 45.4%
  • Switching from nVidia to ATi

    Votes: 27 5.8%
  • Sticking with ATi

    Votes: 100 21.6%
  • Sticking with nVidia

    Votes: 144 31.1%

  • Total voters
What good is a performance advantage when either the card breaks or overheats? I'll put the money down on a good card over that crap again.
what about the people that donr fall into the given categories? just leave em hanging eh?
Only way one of the options doesn't apply to you is if you're on 3DFX or something. If not you're one of the above. Either own an Nvidia card, an ATI card, or recently switched from one to the other. What else is there?
went to a 9800 pro to a x800 pro.

9800 pro died. RMA'ed it. couldn't wait anylonger w/o a vid card so i bought a x800 pro. :D
Hmmm....lot of ATI cards breaking. I like the pics on HardOCP with the 9600XT that light up in flames.

That's ATI for ya.
hehe really tired and i realized where i went wrong...the poll doesnt mean that they went from one company to the next and wont go back...DUH!! just means that one company suits them for now over a different one..omg i cant believe i was blind to that. boy do i feel like an yea ill easily go over to the 6800gt or ultra and sell my 9800pro unless ati can redeem themselves.
I have no brand loyalty whatsoever. My first card was a TNT2 -> Ti4200 -> 9500 -> 9700 Pro -> 9800 Pro -> 9800XT -> 6800GT. I must say though, as many ATI cards as I've had, I always like my nvidia cards better. But, they better hope they stay on top, cause I'll jump ship again in a heartbeat. :p
I went from a 9800pro to a 6800GT and love it but the 9800pro was great for its time. I just go with the best preformance for the $$$$ no matter who makes it. It seems that there is always one out there that has the best balance of both and right now its the 6800GT. :D
So, when all is said and done, it looks like the video card enthusiast crowd may actually have the fewest fan.boys :eek:

Intel/AMD people don't seem to switch as readily.
I gotta say, with all the !!!!!! BS on this site, I'm gobsmacked it isn't 90+% switching......46% is a hell of a lot lower than I expected lol

And the people sticking with Nvidia.....well I'm shocked yo ueven owned an fx card in the first least ull get better performance this time round eh ;)
I am sticking with nVidia because the last card I owned was a GF4Ti4600 the last decent nVidia card series. I don't upgrade every product cycle, more like every 3-4 product cycles is when I upgrade. If this poll is any reflection on the greater population of video card buyers, ATI is in for some serious trouble. In this poll alone nVIdia is ouselling them by triple.
I've owned plenty of both brands. Currently I went from a 9800 Pro to a 6800 GT. If ATI improves next gen I'll likely switch to them. It makes no difference to me who makes it as long as it's the best.
krotch said:
Hmmm....lot of ATI cards breaking....That's ATI for ya.

knock stupid statements like this off and the thread won't turn into a flame war and will stay open :rolleyes:

Wildace said:
i went from a 9700 pro to 2 x800xt's :D :D :D

PIF one??? I ordered one from dell which i'm hoping they ship, if not i'll cancel and stick with what i of right now the ti4600 was my last nvidia card and i'm on my second ati card hopefully third in the next couple weeks.
jon_k said:
If this poll is any reflection on the greater population of video card buyers,

Don't tell me you think that seriously......this forum is heavily populated by Nvidia sheep and ANY ati thread is jumped on.....

Yes, people are going back to Nvidia, but that poll is by no means the actual picture.....
PureBooYah said:
knock stupid statements like this off and the thread won't turn into a flame war and will stay open :rolleyes:

Except that it takes two or more people to engage in a flame war.

This is a big point several seem to be missing here. Just because someone makes a comment does not mean someone else has to respond to it. Simply ignore it and move on. If the comment bothers one so bad they just can't stand it then close the thread or put the person on a ignore list, problem solved without ANY flaming taking place and users getting Banned. It is really that simple, but still almost everyday somebody has to forget it and gets Banned. It's almost amazing/sad to watch how much self control a lot of folks do not have.
jon_k said:
I am sticking with nVidia because the last card I owned was a GF4Ti4600 the last decent nVidia card series. I don't upgrade every product cycle, more like every 3-4 product cycles is when I upgrade. If this poll is any reflection on the greater population of video card buyers, ATI is in for some serious trouble. In this poll alone nVIdia is ouselling them by triple.

this is just the enthusiast market, it doesn't make up that much of a total company sales. I don't think ATI is in trouble at all, they have a very good cards out they just fall short in some benchmarks to nvidia's cards. it's not like the x800 series sucks.
Tigerblade said:
And the people sticking with Nvidia.....well I'm shocked yo ueven owned an fx card in the first least ull get better performance this time round eh ;)

lol - true. dunno if the poll was actually for pro boards,too, as i voted switching to nvidia because i'm going quadro this time. had no bad experience with my FGL, though...just for the fun of trying out their boards and their performance in maya.
Tigerblade said:
Don't tell me you think that seriously......this forum is heavily populated by Nvidia sheep and ANY ati thread is jumped on.....

Yes, people are going back to Nvidia, but that poll is by no means the actual picture.....
quoted for absolute truth
[H] does not come close to representing the computer population as a whole
CIWS said:
It's almost amazing/sad to watch how much self control a lot of folks do not have.

it's 8am...i have no self control this early in the morning...i'll try to take it easy :(
Dijonase said:
A month after buying my X800 Pro I started to really read the reviews of the 6800GT. I sold off my X800 and bought the GT. :)

I did the same thing, except it was more like 10 days then a month, so I got a full refund ;)
PureBooYah said:
this is just the enthusiast market, it doesn't make up that much of a total company sales. I don't think ATI is in trouble at all, they have a very good cards out they just fall short in some benchmarks to nvidia's cards. it's not like the x800 series sucks.

I agree, ATI has a good line up of cards, it is just that NVidia appears to be winning this round with their high end cards, especially the x800 vs. 6800 GT. ATI kicked their can with the 9 series vs. the FX series. It is good that NVidia has stepped up their game due to ATI. Now ATI will step up and try to beat NVidia. I think this competitiveness is great for consumers and will only lead to better and better cards. And God willing, cheaper prices.
Switched from an ATI 9500 Pro to a 6800nu. Great card. I'm very happy with the switch. I've always had Nvidia cards since my last 3dfx card. I've always tried to get the best bang for the buck. I'll be really happy if can open up those 4 other pipes using Rivatuner.
I'm making the switch. I think that the 6800 has matured into the superior card. Since Farcry and other games are starting to take advantage of the cards, and their image quality has improved and is pretty comparable to ATi's.

And I am a Doom 3 junkie. I love the game. Nvidia is the only way to go. Even with the speed hack for ATi cards I can't run over 1024x768 which is dissapointing to me.
I'm amazed at how many people bought an X800 pro only to switch once they find out its not what they hoped for. This is why you don't buy things when they've just come out folks.

Of course I'm also amazed that back in the ATI 9xxx vs nVidia 5xxx, how few people switched to the then superior ATI card. Definitely a lot of closet nVidia fans here I guess. :)

Either way, I'm holding out on this round. Waiting for the next at least.
emorphien said:
I'm amazed at how many people bought an X800 pro only to switch once they find out its not what they hoped for. This is why you don't buy things when they've just come out folks.
Very true.

Of course I'm also amazed that back in the ATI 9xxx vs nVidia 5xxx, how few people switched to the then superior ATI card...........
It's simple really. The ATI cards weren't superior. A lot of people just followed the fad then, just like those that had to get an x800p but now are returning them and getting a GT. Then, the 9xxx cards tested faster in some games, while the 5xxx cards tester faster in other games, overall pretty on par with each other. So, the decision came down to "who will have better performance increases through drivers, over time?", and based on the past, the answer to that of course was/is nVidia. And I've been more than satisfied with my decision.

This time, nVidia has the speed advantage, and, their reputation of enhancing performance in the future through drivers. ATI didn't see the GT coming, nor did they expect Doom3 to have such an impact.
Badger_sly said:
It's simple really. The ATI cards weren't superior. A lot of people just followed the fad then, just like those that had to get an x800p but now are returning them and getting a GT. Then, the 9xxx cards tested faster in some games, while the 5xxx cards tester faster in other games, overall pretty on par with each other. So, the decision came down to "who will have better performance increases through drivers, over time?", and based on the past, the answer to that of course was/is nVidia. And I've been more than satisfied with my decision.
The same happens now, although this time the advantage is leaning towards nVidia. ATI drivers improved performance some, so did nVidias, I don't see this being much different now, there's just more legacy and favoritism for nVidia. The ATI hardware of the 9xxx time however was superior, more efficient, better IQ, faster. Sure some games favored nVidia (OGL for example) and DX9 favored ATI, but ATI was still stronger overall.

The difference was greatest at the beginning and I think ATI was pulling ahead again at the end. But now nVidia appears to overall have a strong win. It's flipped, but it's the same as before, in spite of what you just said which I disagree with.
DirtyApe said:
what about the people that donr fall into the given categories? just leave em hanging eh?
I also feel slighted as a die hard XGI fan. :mad:
pxc said:
I also feel slighted as a die hard XGI fan. :mad:
Hehehe. By the poll options or by XGI themselves? ;)

Weren't there rumors of a new GPU from ATI coming out (R500 or something, the R420 was just a holdover), and does nVidia have anything planned for first half 02? Might upgrade then, might not.
Sticking with ATI,,,switching to Nvidia did not warrent me going out and buying a new power supply. I upgraded from a 9800pro to an X800 pro oc'd and it runs flawlessly even in Doom3. I do have a good processor and alot of ram however..
I've always been an Nvidia fan. I remember buying a GF2MX400 PCI card for like $100 and WOW!! it was an amazing performer on my 766Mhz Celeron. I then purchased my next comuter with AMD2100+ and had some experience with the GF2 and the GF4Ti4200. But the Jump from GF4Ti4200 and AMD2100+ to GF6800GT + AMD3200+ was astounding. Always have been and always will be an Nvidia Fan!

With people switching from ATI to Nvidia and one who are sticking with Nvidia results in ~76% of people who have Nvidia products. I know its only about 290 votes at the time of my reply but still the numbers speak for themselves.
emorphien said:
Weren't there rumors of a new GPU from ATI coming out (R500 or something, the R420 was just a holdover), and does nVidia have anything planned for first half 02? Might upgrade then, might not.
The R480 is the next ATI high end chip and it's on the 2004 roadmap. The NV48 (NV45 doesn't count since it's the same core as the NV40, just an "optimized shrink") is nvidia's next high end core.

I don't think nvidia or ATI stick to the 6 month cycle anymore, so while those chips should be "introduced" around October/November, cards probably won't be available until early next year. :mad:
pxc said:
The R480 is the next ATI high end chip and it's on the 2004 roadmap. The NV48 (NV45 doesn't count since it's the same core as the NV40, just an "optimized shrink") is nvidia's next high end core.

I don't think nvidia or ATI stick to the 6 month cycle anymore, so while those chips should be "introduced" around October/November, cards probably won't be available until early next year. :mad:
Ahh, yeah. 6 month cycle is pretty much dead, and hopefully for the sake of technology, competition and prices, ATI actually has a new core to show instead of extending the life (rather successfully though) of what's basically a highly pimped 9700 core. That said, I'm also curious because the next ATI core/optimized shrink from nVidia might come around the time I'd consider upgrading cards. That is, of course, if I really feel like it. My video upgrade cycle has traditionally been at least 2 years. That and if they come with AGP connections, cuz I'm not gonna upgrade everything. :)
jon_k said:
I am sticking with nVidia because the last card I owned was a GF4Ti4600 the last decent nVidia card series. I don't upgrade every product cycle, more like every 3-4 product cycles is when I upgrade. If this poll is any reflection on the greater population of video card buyers, ATI is in for some serious trouble. In this poll alone nVIdia is ouselling them by triple.

It would be interesting to see the sales for the entire country.
I have an unopened PNY 6800 GT in hopes that my Gateway X800XT-PE will ship next week (yeah, yeah, I know. It'll never come, but maybe , just maybe it will). So I'm torn on what to do. I got the CompUSA discount on the 6800 GT and the 2-year replacement plan for a total of about $360. Yet, if my X800XT-PE comes, I will have only paid about $400. What should I do?
I had a GF3 Ti200
Ordered an X800XTPE
Cancelled the order
Bought a 6800GT

I voted "stuck with nvidia"
although it could be said that I "switched from ATi to nvidia" <shrug>
JayD said:
I have an unopened PNY 6800 GT in hopes that my Gateway X800XT-PE will ship next week (yeah, yeah, I know. It'll never come, but maybe , just maybe it will). So I'm torn on what to do. I got the CompUSA discount on the 6800 GT and the 2-year replacement plan for a total of about $360. Yet, if my X800XT-PE comes, I will have only paid about $400. What should I do?

Forget about the XTPE from Gateway...yeah it might eventually come...but it'll be months at least...why wait...