How many Run throughs of Dragon Age have you completed?


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Jun 8, 2004
Myself , I just finished my fourth run through yesterday. After I finish Mass Effect 2 I'll likely do a 5th, 6th and seventh as thats how many toons I rolled .....:D
Couldn't even get through the first few hours. I yawned and went to do something else.
I gave up at the camp. Talked to a guy to get a quest, and they wanted me to pay more money in order to get a quest, and I said fuck this. Really frustrated I couldn't do 100% of the game I paid for.

Waste of money, done with Bioware.
I gave up at the camp. Talked to a guy to get a quest, and they wanted me to pay more money in order to get a quest, and I said fuck this. Really frustrated I couldn't do 100% of the game I paid for.

Waste of money, done with Bioware.

Are you talking about the Dwarf at the camp site where you have to buy the downloadable content to do his quest? You can skip that...
Not that it's not a bad game (far from it) but not that special to warrant another run through so soon.
I finished the game twice so far and plan to play through again once the expansion comes out in March. I'd probably be playing again right now but wanted to try a few other games I picked up over the holidays like Mass Effect, Jade Empire, and Torchlight.
1. I almost never play any RPG more than once. that includes BG 1 and 2, NWN etc.

Wont be re-playing that epic until I have played about 20 other games I've not even started yet, as well as a list of movies about 30 strong, keeping up with all the new TV and working on a super secret new game website :}
1, an evil dwarf commoner fighter. You really get a sense of completion after finishing the game, sort of like with Mass Effect, so I had no real draw to do it again. Only did 1 play of ME also. With the BG series, the replay value was in the extremely varied classes you could play (my most recent full BG1 -> BG2TOB replay was this summer, like 10 years after release), but only 3 real options in DA:O, all of which will be in your party anyway. Thats probably a factor of abandoning the D&D license for their own IP, which was shallow.

I tried to do a replay, but couldnt decide what to play after that. I ran through all the origins, which are the best part of the game IMO, especially the dwarven ones. Awesome flavor to them. Anyway I got 3 guys past Ostagar but never really liked them as much as my first character. I really wanted to play a rogue but there was some dex bug with daggers and I was going to wait for the patch which never came (maybe by now?). One of these days I will play it again...after ME1 replay, and ME2, and AvP and...

So I finally picked a class and race I liked, and settled on a dwarven rogue. In WoW. :rolleyes:
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Ive beaten it three times. Twice as human, once as a DW warrior and once as a mage. The third time I have to admit that I used cheats and just blasted through as a dwarf 2handed warrior. I really just wanted the origin and to try out a few choices differently than I had done them in my other playthroughs.

The only reason I cheated is because I did all three playthroughs back to back, so by the third time all the quests were stupidly boring because I remembered where everything was.
I was super into this game, knocking out 70+ hours in a week. But then my characters became too powerful, and none of the battles were challenging anymore, even on the hardest setting. So I stopped playing right before the landsmeet. I have tried to get back into it SO many times since, but I have been unable too.

Also, I think the game needs a "free-roam" play mode, were you can just wander around and kill enemies. Sort of like the random encounters when traveling, but occurring more frequently.

Still, great game.

P.S. About how much more of the game is left after the lands meet?
I never seem to make it past the grey warden area. I keep second guessing what class i want to play. Then WoW sucks me back in and dao goes back on the shefl. DAMN YOU BLIZZARD.
I'm on my fourth, help me! LOL

Taking a break to play Mass Effect 1 and 2 though. Actually just fired up Mass Effect 1 last evening.
Two complete play throughs, and about another 3 half play throughs, with the different origins and classes and combos and etc. I've gotten my $$$ out of it, that's for sure.
0.15, according to the stats. It's not that I don't want to, but now it's stuck behind another run through Mass Effect, followed by ME2, so it's going to take me a while to get back to DA. Not much else out this year* though, so I might be grateful for that.

*that I'm interesting in playing
P.S. About how much more of the game is left after the lands meet?

Have you completed the landsmeet or have you just gotten to that part? If you have beaten it, I would say probably 1-2 hrs max I would think. Im not sure on an exact figure, but I know there isnt much left. If you have yet to beat it, Probably 3ish hours maybe?

As with everything else in this game, it really depends on how quick you are. But it really is worth it to finish, ties most of the stories up nicely I think.
1 tried playing it again but just couldnt do it my first play thru lasted like 50 hours so i think i got my time out of it lol.
In Denerim on my first and only run through. Way too many great games to be playing, to waste time playing the same one over and over again.
Not that it's not a bad game (far from it) but not that special to warrant another run through so soon.

Same for me. Too many good games that I'd rather play for the first time instead of repeating Dragon Age. It was nice but not that special.
Haven't finished my first run yet.

I had been planning on finishing before Mass Effect 2 - didn't happen though. Gotta say, bit of a disappointment for me personally. I'm hoping that Mass Effect 2 will make up for it. I think it probably will.
i started playin it on pc right before flying home for the holidays and ended up buying it on xbox so i could finish playing it there. the achievements made me play 3 full times and do basically every possible thing in the game. i prob wouldnt have done most of it on pc without achievment addicting kicking in but it was pretty fun except for how shitty xbox version is compared to pc.
1 run though, but i did about 90% of the game, then i went on and did all 6 origins. i tried to do a 2nd but just couldnt commit time to do it when there are alot of other great games out.

Dragon Age was still GOTY for me
Ugh, I played about 60+ hours in the span of a bit over 1 week. I then tried to start again right after that playthrough and just couldn't do it. I think I was burned out. Put it away for a replaying Mass Effect 1 which will lead right into Mass Effect 2. That should hopefully last until the DA expansion! I got it all planned out, lol
I've gone through it twice. First time was as a DW Warrior and the second time was as a mage (arcane warrior)
Can't find the time! I'm maybe...15% through the game? Finished only 2 areas after leaving the town that gets wiped out.
Five complete playthroughs and was just getting into a sixth when my main PC died.

Laptop can't run it for beans unfortunately.
1.5 ish, i stalled out though, after the origin part you can make two distinct choices per mission line. Its pretty cut and dry
Zero. I sold it on Ebay after about 3 hours of play. I'm old and impatient.

Old man edit: Old has nothing to do with it. I'm simply impatient when it comes to my gaming entertainment.
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Zero. I played the game for 5 minutes and was bored to tears. Anyone want my copy?