How many unredeemed games in your Humble bundle?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 24, 2004
I have 71 unredeemed games in my humble bundle account. A few of them I might eventually play but the majority of them will likely never use. How many do you have, and what are you going to do with them?

I plan on giving the ones I dont want away here on [H]
I have something like 20 or so unredeemed.
Loads, I have bought a majority of their bundles. Since I buy some indie games 50-75% off on Steam, I end up with tons of extras. I've kept track of what's claimed, I'll eventually get around to adding them to my wife or nephew's accounts.
Quite a few...I normally buy them and then promptly forget about them. :(
Most of the bundles I buy it is only because I want 1 or two of the games and a lot of the time already have several of the other games in a bundle.