how much better is gtx280?

Dec 6, 2007
I have a 9800gx2 currently running a 22" 1680x1050 monitor. It can max out pretty much all the games I play with the exception of crysis and crysis warhead running a little slower than I'd like. Also I'd like to max out far cry 2 completely with AA, but other than that, this card is great. I was wondering how much better the gtx280 is than a GX2, if at all, and would it be worth the ~150 dollars for me to even consider upgrading?

A 9800GX2 vs a single GTX280? Not much to warrant an upgrade.

Some comparisons..

I'd say stay put with that card till we see more concrete performance results from the new die-shrinked cores coming out soon.
I would say yes specially since there are not compatability issues, microstutters and if you do some research you will see that the all so imporant MINIMUM frames are much better with the GTX280. Then again, I am assuming you game at 1920x1200.
I would upgrade for $100 but not for $150.
I guess it varies by person.
at 1680x1050...stay with your card as others have said.

I have no doubt you will max out Far Cry 2. Its much less of a dog than Crysis. (much much less)