how much do i7's benefit from lapping

Dec 13, 2002
Assuming that you have a flat heatsing already, how much benefit do you get from lapping an i7's heat spreader?
I got virtually ZERO benefit from lapping my 920. I lapped my TRUE black and got a huge difference (4-5 degrees load), a few weeks later, lapped the CPU and got absolutely zip, zero, nada. And it's FLAT - I've been lapping stuff for 12+ years. Don't do it. I wish I wouldn't have because when it comes time to sell, it'll be a bit tougher.
I absolutely would not lap a CPU but I have lapped a cheap heat sink before and did drop a few degrees.
I got virtually ZERO benefit from lapping my 920. I lapped my TRUE black and got a huge difference (4-5 degrees load), a few weeks later, lapped the CPU and got absolutely zip, zero, nada. And it's FLAT - I've been lapping stuff for 12+ years. Don't do it. I wish I wouldn't have because when it comes time to sell, it'll be a bit tougher.
how long did it take you to lap that TRUE?
how long did it take you to lap that TRUE?

Yeah, about 2 hours. I get REAL anal with it all though. I've probably lapped 25+ TRUEs now for my own and customer's systems. Every single one has been AWFUL and in desperate need. The funnest one was when I lapped 2 copper TRUE's. Holy hell that sucked.
Yeah, about 2 hours. I get REAL anal with it all though. I've probably lapped 25+ TRUEs now for my own and customer's systems. Every single one has been AWFUL and in desperate need. The funnest one was when I lapped 2 copper TRUE's. Holy hell that sucked.
how much you charge me to lap a IFX 14?
I noticed a pretty big improvement, about 4C. Was a bit tougher to sell it when the board died though... :(