How much do you like to pay per GB?


Limp Gawd
Sep 17, 2004
Hi I was just curious with all the big drives out now and all the easy ways to fill them up (ripped music, dvds, downloads), what do you like to pay per GB?

In the last year I've tried to stay under 50 cents per GB, just cause I'm impatient, I'm sure lots of yall do much better, but thats just me.
I paid under $60AR for my 2 - 200GB drives. That puts me at >$0.30 per gig. I'm patient and cheap so I wouldn't pay more than that right now. Those new Maxtor Maxline drives sure are tempting though. My file server could use an upgrade.
For SATA drives, under 50 cents is good. 250GB drives are $120-125, and the 200GB Maxtor 16MB DM10 is routinely under $100 on ZZF.

For PATA drives, keep an eye on [H]ot Deals, you can pick up units in the 25-30 cents per GB range. Just be mindful that Maxtor retail kits only have a one year warranty.
I'm all over the map...
The last drive I bought was about $2/gig, and that was a refurb. 73GB Seagate 15k.4 68-pin SCSI for $149.
Last month I got my dad a 74GB Raptor for his b-day. That ran about $2.50/GB. He's a bit of a neat freak (it seems my mom's #1 reason for getting mad at him is for throwing out magazines & newspapers lol), and that applies to his hard drive as well as the living room. He was running a 20GB drive, so a 74 is tons of space.
The lowest cost-per-gig drive I've purchased was a 160GB Seagate ATA for $50 last November. Roughly $.32/GB. That was for my sister-in-law's dad's machine.
The most I've ever paid "per gig" was about $650/GB. 540MB drive for $300 and something back in the fall of '94, thugh I'm sure some of you can top that by a wide margin. The most expensive drive I've purchased was a 4GB Western Digital Enterprise UW SCSI 7200 rpm drive for $700 or so in late summer 1997.
$0.00 is how much I like to pay... now how much will I pay :) $0.40 to $0.50 ...250 gig diamond max's for 100 or so bucks. WoW thats 40 or 50 cents per 1000Meg remember the 40 meg HD's for 300 bucks. OMG thats 20 years ago already 1985 ish.