How much faster is a 8800GT over a 7800GTX?


Limp Gawd
Aug 17, 2004
I currently have a 7800GTX but due to playing my came in 1920x1200 native res, it is starting to cause me problems. Is it worth it to upgrade to a 8800GT? How much faster would it be over a 7800GTX?
There is only about 1000 sources of information comparing the cards to every other card.

It's faster.. by a lot.
when the 8800gt (STOCK!) is only behind the 8800gtx in most bench marks by 5-7fps (@ 1900x1200 )

And the 8800gtx basically bitch slapped the 7950Gx2(2x7900gt in one card) when it came out. I think the 8800gt is 3x As fast as the 7800gtx at that res you mentioned.
a 7950gx2 is 2 7900gt 512m cards :p or lower clocked gtx's same thing i guess, but yea its about twice as fast ^^
Well, the 8800GT is consistently 3 to 4 times faster than my old 7800GT in both games and benchmarks, sometimes more.

Huge upgrade from the old GTX :)
Get GTX if you can afford it. Extra Strem processors help it, does alot better with AA on.
its faster. I had 2 7800gtx 512mb SLi and scored 8k in 3dmark06, with a single 8800gt and same system I scored high 11k