How much force when putting Q6600 into mobo?


Limp Gawd
Jan 20, 2007

How much pressure do you apply to lock the Q6600 into place into the mobo?

This is my first time, and it feels like I need to apply somewhat a lot of force...
blah. If I get no response in next 5 minutes, I'm just going to assume it takes a lot of force to pull that lever down to lock the q6600 into mobo (I've been up all night trying to finish this damn build).
blah. If I get no response in next 5 minutes, I'm just going to assume it takes a lot of force to pull that lever down to lock the q6600 into mobo (I've been up all night trying to finish this damn build).

What's there to say? Put the CPU in with the correct orientation and close it? It's not an easy close, but it's not crowbar work either.
hehe. Got it in!

Man i am too paranoid.

I applied Arctic 1 + 2 on my Q6600 and there still seems to be a part on my Q6600 that has a mark that won't come off... is this bad?

I did the line method of applying AS5 and I think I didn't center the line correctly; it's about 1mm lower than the center.

Will this be good?
I don't know about the mark you're talking about....but as for the thermal paste, throw the heatsink on and check temps after. You don't have to get it *exactly* center, if you applied enough, the pressure from the heatsink will spread the paste evenly to where it needs to be.
I don't know about the mark you're talking about....but as for the thermal paste, throw the heatsink on and check temps after. You don't have to get it *exactly* center, if you applied enough, the pressure from the heatsink will spread the paste evenly to where it needs to be.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ??
My lining is like that BUT it's UP "one thickness" of the line you see in that picture.

Well, I'll take your advice and just put my heatsink on it.

Also, is it bad if I have heatsink on it and that I don't power it up until 48 hours? Does it require heat and power for the thing to spread?

Well, thanks HF for censorship lol.
Thermal paste will remain in a semi-solid form for years after you apply it. You don't need to wait 48 hours, nor do you need to power it up immediately. The pressure of the CPU cooler will spread the coolant.

What I recommend for a first time application like this... apply the thermal paste, install your heatsink to where you think it should be. Then remove the heatsink. Take a look at the processor and see how well the paste spread. The core is actually about a 1/2 inch square at the center of the processor, so if you don't get 100% coverage, don't worry.

Here's a section from Arctic Silver's website that gives you detailed guides:

And there are some protections built into the motherboard and processor to protect it from overheating if you don't get it perfect, but these things are designed to be rather foolproof (more than they used to be) so follow the instructions and have some trust in yourself.