how much life is left in the DS

Domingo said:
Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance?
Gameboy was 1989. Gameboy Color and the Gameboy shared the same games, the gameboy just wouldnt do them in color. The advance came out in 2001, so we have that and the DS in the last 8 years...
lithium726 said:
I count three handheld platforms, ever. The gameboy came out in 1989, so that would be 2 in the lsat 8 years.. the advance and the DS, which is a very recent addition.

What am I missing? (the VB doesnt count)
Yeah, I was going to say that they've had many variations of each unit, but only three handheld formats ever (four if you count Game Boy color).

I think the GBA had its days numbered and was something of a stop gap until Nintendo came up with something better than a Game Boy. It was just a faster version of "the same ol thing" with better graphics.

Then they settled on the two-screen, touch-screen format. I think the DS format will be here for a long time. The graphics on the unit are excellent.. I see no reason for them to think about moving on any time in the near future. They have the killer format on a system with plenty of power.
game gear wich was a genesis portable (battery eater)

wonderswan color

the psp?
arr4ws said:
game gear wich was a genesis portable (battery eater)

wonderswan color

the psp?

I think he meant gameboy formats. Not mobile game formats.

I agree with everyone that the DS has tons of life left in it. Especially since the DS Lite came out. It's much better than the PSP for sure. The games are just more fun.

New Super Mario Bros.
Mario Kart
Trauma Center
Final Fantasy III
Animal Crossing
Advanced Wars
and on and on.

Plus a bunch of GBA games that work on it (Final Fantasy Tactics, FF 1-5, Mario Tennis, Street Fighter Alpha, just to name a few).

The PSP can't touch the DS in terms of sheer number of quality and fun games.

Also for the price of the PSP ($250), you can get the DS ($129), 3 games (~$120), and an accessory pack (game case, DS case, stylus, and screen protector, $10) for the about same price.
I was just thinking that even if they never made another game for the DS, it's still worth buying because of the ton of quality, fun games already out for it, nevermind the fact that you can play all the old GB Advance games on it.

It'd be easy to sell too if you decide you don't like it.
Astral Abyss said:
I was just thinking that even if they never made another game for the DS, it's still worth buying because of the ton of quality, fun games already out for it, nevermind the fact that you can play all the old GB Advance games on it.

It'd be easy to sell too if you decide you don't like it.

xFuryofFivex said:
i just started working there a few weeks ago... and for a while i have been really just a pcgamer... i had an xbox but rarely played it, had an SP but rarely played it.

i believe the used Older DS is 89.99 before discount making it like 70w/tax or so

i seen this post also.. so i just figured that he was weighing it in as an option...
arr4ws said:
game gear wich was a genesis portable (battery eater)

wonderswan color

the psp?
sorry, gamegear was not a genesis portable... the Sega Nomad was a Genesis Portable.
my Ds lite is actually in my bathroom 80% of the time.. .great past time enjoyment while shitting
MRi6000 said:
my Ds lite is actually in my bathroom 80% of the time.. .great past time enjoyment while shitting
*makes a mental note in case you ever have a FS thread...*
lithium726 said:
*makes a mental note in case you ever have a FS thread...*

Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode with the book store.
lithium726 said:
Gameboy was 1989. Gameboy Color and the Gameboy shared the same games, the gameboy just wouldnt do them in color. The advance came out in 2001, so we have that and the DS in the last 8 years...

This is false.

The Game Boy and Game Boy Color did not have the same games, atleast not in the way that you mean it(only about 1/4 of the GBC games worked on the original GB). The GBC had a load of titles that the original GB did not. Just compare the them side by side. The GBC was not a variation. The GB Pocket, GBA: SP, GB Micro, and DS Lite were variations. the GBC was a true successor to the original GB.

The GBC was released in 1998, so even if you leave out the DS Lite, GBA: SP, and GB Micro, that's three handhelds in seven years(GBC, GBA, DS)(1998-2005).
On another note, I don't know how this topic went into the toilet(pun intended).

The last thing I want to think of when playing my handhelds is shit-stained buttons/d-pads.
Lord Nassirbannipal said:
This is false.

The Game Boy and Game Boy Color did not have the same games, atleast not in the way that you mean it(only about 1/4 of the GBC games worked on the original GB). The GBC had a load of titles that the original GB did not. Just compare the them side by side. The GBC was not a variation. The GB Pocket, GBA: SP, GB Micro, and DS Lite were variations. the GBC was a true successor to the original GB.

The GBC was released in 1998, so even if you leave out the DS Lite, GBA: SP, and GB Micro, that's three handhelds in seven years(GBC, GBA, DS)(1998-2005).
huh, interesting. All I know is that my GBC games worked on my original brick, so i thought it was universal. My bad.

In that case, the GBC was more of a minor upgrade than anything.. not sure that really counts as an entire platform, it only lasted a couple years and offered nothing but colors... not really an entire system upgrade.
Lord Nassirbannipal said:
On another note, I don't know how this topic went into the toilet(pun intended).

The last thing I want to think of when playing my handhelds is shit-stained buttons/d-pads.

WTF? Do you wipe your ass with your thumbs? lol
Lord Nassirbannipal said:
On another note, I don't know how this topic went into the toilet(pun intended).

The last thing I want to think of when playing my handhelds is shit-stained buttons/d-pads.
too poor for toilet paper? damn.
Booby McNipples said:
WTF? Do you wipe your ass with your thumbs? lol

exactly what I was thinkin when I read his post....

oh, and yes I do read books.. I actually make a living as a full time student reading books and drinking beer.
At work, I have seen many people take RF scanners into the bathroom, sit them down, do their business, and then pick them up again before washing their hands.

Just yesterday, I saw a dude using one hand to hold the scanner and another hand to hold his privates while he was pissing, and then he used both hands(with the scanner still in one) to put his junk away and zip up.

This is what came to mind when I read your posts about playing your DS Lites/PSP's on the toilet.

I didn't know I was the only one who avoided taking things like handhelds, PDA's, and cellphones into the bathroom(unless they're in my pockets).
dont know bout you, but I generally dont get poop or pee on myself....ever so I generally dont need to worry bout it. I do see your point though, i've seen people take dumps and never wash their hands and then go eat dinner (ewwwww). But you know, to each their own
The origional DS was teh suxor. HOWEVER, the DS Lite is awesome. I got one and carry it damn near everywhere. BUY IT NOW. There is a huge library of games, it's fun, and you don't have to worry about damaging it easily like the PSP.
yeah i decieded to get one :) and i got mario kart DS with it... very good game.. i was also playing it online :) im gonna browse our little libary of games heh
You work at EBGames and you have to ask? :) Look at the library! Look at the sales! There's no other handheld on the market that has even *close* to the life left of the DS :)
DragonMasterAlex said:
You work at EBGames and you have to ask? :) Look at the library! Look at the sales! There's no other handheld on the market that has even *close* to the life left of the DS :)

ok i guess u didnt read any of the 50 posts before this...I just recently started working there... and guess what... id say only like a small portion of the sales are DS...we seem to sell a crapload of Ps2 Games....
xFuryofFivex said:
...we seem to sell a crapload of Ps2 Games....
6 year old console with 110 million sales vs 2 year old handheld with 27 million sales. I'd hope you sell about 4 times as many games. :D
Psychotext said:
6 year old console with 110 million sales vs 2 year old handheld with 27 million sales. I'd hope you sell about 4 times as many games. :D

yeah but it was a matter of what i need to know vs what i kinda dont know...
idk about eb, but I'd say the DS overwhelms the ps2 by far in my store. We seem to sell around 20 per day in season >.<