How much performance loss with single channel?


Apr 6, 2005
Here's the deal, my motherboard (specs in sig) has a defective memory bank and unfortunately it's one that is needed for dual channel. Since I really do need my computer for work, I have hesitated RMA'ing it, especially since the vendor I purchased it from has been total hell to work with.

So right now, my system is running in single channel mode. I play World of Warcraft right now but will be getting Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, my first high-end game to run on this system. I am concerned that I may lose a lot of peformance from single channel vs. dual channel.

Will I take a hit in performance?
why dont you use the other slots?

if your using yellow and yellow move to orange and orange. Single Channel would definitly be a hit. I noticed a 0% ocing differnce between the two slots on my dfi. Despite numerous reccomendations to use the yellow slots
With this motherboard, I was under the assumption that it needed the RAM in bank 2 and 4 as stated in the manual.
I will try the other slots for dual channel but the 4th slot is definitely defective. I only know this because my brother and I made the exact same computer and I tested the memory stick in his computers 4th slot and used a stick of his in my 4th slot. His computer worked still but mine would keep rebooting before even getting to the login screen. It freezes on the memory test as well. But all has been well in single channel world.
Okay, I inserted the memory into slots 1+3 and when the system posts it says:

"Please insert memory into slots 1+2 for single channel mode or 2+4 for dual channel mode."

It doesn't do anything after this until I change them out.

Now what about this MC on the CPU? Is this something that can be fixed without returning anything?