How much would you pay over MSRP for a 3080/3090?

How much over MSRP would you spend on a 3080/3090?

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Rev. Night

Mar 30, 2004
With the low stocks leading to scalpers etc... a lot of people can't get their hands on a 3080/3090 FE, AIB. But the demand is still there. This creates the question: If you really wanted one, how much over MSRP are you willing to pay? Are you going to stand your ground and not give in, or begrudgingly cave to further the glory of the #pcmasterrace?

As a side note, I do not understand the people hating on 3080 scalpers yet having no qualms about buying the 3090 - a product that is 2x the cost but only 10-15% the improvement. I guess it isn't scalping if Nvidia does it.

Edit: This does not apply to AIB cards over reference. Just current market prices over msrp
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I will see if AMD can put up a good fight and actually have cards to sell. Nvidia had their chance, plus the 3080 to me does not have enough vram and the 3090 while much more enticing, I do not like the 3 slot design and the added cost. Just more prudent to wait to see if AMD can deliver something better and available.
I'll never pay more than MSRP on a flipped item. Its not a matter of price, I'm already planning on spending well over $1500 on a 3090, its a matter of morals. I don't support scalping. I can wait a month and get one from Nvidia (although I'm starting to think they don't deserve my money either).
Would you pay more than face value on a sporting ticket? It's kinda the same principle. Although for a live sports game, you can make the claim that the one game will be awesome and the other games that year will suck. Meanwhile a week later, the 3080 is going to be just as good.
I think most people wouldn't pay over retail knowing that within months they will be more readily available. It's only the small 1% of "I didn't get one myself and I have money to blow and want it now" that are doing this.
Not a penny more than MSRP. I have the patience that I'd wait months before giving a penny more to a scalper.
There's no option for "One Complete Kidney and part of a Liver". I abstain.
My old gpu didn't stop working, why should I pay more than I need to for it's replacement?

Not one damn penny over MSRP will be spent. I'll save that money for the waterblock and some shiny new fittings.
I'm conflicted. Now, I wouldn't pay a penny over MSRP, but since I'm also going to be going after the upcoming Zen3 Thread Ripper, I've debated holding off on both and just getting a premade, as they'll probably have stock, unlike just the individual parts. And when I went to their site, I thought at first they were barely charging over MSRP when switching, until I remembered the base part also had a price, and all total I'd be paying $3000+ in the end.

Does anyone have a good site where I can get perhaps a barebones kit, which would also probably have allocation?
I would have to be able to turn a profit greater than the premium paid and in short order. They are going to make more of them and AMD has a challenger just around the corner.
Dammnnn like 99% of you are like two scots fighting over a penny to make a copper wire. Glad I didn't try to flip a 3080 here hahaha
Over the price the AIB charges + Newegg or Amazon markup? Nothing. That's already marked up by both the AIB and seller and is a full RETAIL price.
I would never pay extra for a video card unless I was very wealthy then I just wouldn't give AF. I sold a EVGA 3080 to a random in front of Microcenter the 23rd when I was waiting for the 3090 for $1,150. Oh, my friend sold his 3090 voucher for $420 over the $1,619 sticker price. So with tax and the $420, dude spent like $2200 maybe.
I would never pay extra for a video card unless I was very wealthy then I just wouldn't give AF. I sold a EVGA 3080 to a random in front of Microcenter the 23rd when I was waiting for the 3090 for $1,150. Oh, my friend sold his 3090 voucher for $420 over the $1,619 sticker price. So with tax and the $420, dude spent like $2200 maybe.

And that's why we have these scalpers. For every person saying don't scalp, there's a person who's willing to buy at those ridiculous markups. And half the time it feels like they're the same people telling others not to buy scalped items.

I mean, scalping is super easy to actually solve, just don't buy at those prices. But knowing what to do vs actually doing it are two completely different things.
And that's why we have these scalpers. For every person saying don't scalp, there's a person who's willing to buy at those ridiculous markups. And half the time it feels like they're the same people telling others not to buy scalped items.

I mean, scalping is super easy to actually solve, just don't buy at those prices. But knowing what to do vs actually doing it are two completely different things.

A lot of people just don't mind and have the extra money. For all the broke people I know, I know a lot that have stupid money. I ran into a lot of guys buying the 3090 that were engineers, an Army Officer, IT and programmers that made $140K to $250K and a $1500 video card was nothing to them or paying $2200 for a voucher. The kid that gave me $1150 for my EVGA 3090 looked rich. But it is a problem. I wish nVidia would mass produce cards for 30 days then flood the market to satisfy demand.
Let's be real, at this point I would probably pay $10 more, given how rare the cards are so far. But in a month...probably not.
Im interested in 3080FE but current own evga 3090 ftw3 ultra. What would be fair price to ask ontop of the 3080FE if a trade would happen?

Still looking to purchase a rtx 3080FE currently, only game @ 2k 165hz.
I am not too interested in one right now but by the time I buy something it should be under MSRP!

My 1080ti still does quite well with the older games I'm playing on my current 144hz 2560x1440 LG 27GL850.
Nothing, I’ll just wait. If my order doesn’t turn up before the quadros are available and assuming they’re not more expensive than current gen ones I’ll get a RTX6000 equivalent. Easier for me to get stock on business stuff as I can stamp my feet with suppliers and I won’t give scalpers a cent.
I'll only ever pay msrp and that's it. I'm waiting on big Navi to launch, but would happily buy a 3080 if that disappoints.
Eh. $100 or so. I respect the effort to get one; I've done hte camp/sell before when cash was tight and I was young. I'd pay $100 over. Maybe $200. While stock is somewhat limited. But that's about it.

In a pinch I can call in a favor or three with some distributors.
Spoiled Americans, lol.
MRSP in Sweden is $865 straight from Nvidia. That's a hefty $150 over the US price.
Cards like MSI Trio cost $950. Asus Strix is at $1100.
This is the normal price from the retailers.
If i can get a Souped up 3080 or 3090 i'll pay a little more for a better version, but otherwise i'll pay the stock price. I figure i'll wait till the 20GB 3080 or 3080Ti comes out. Not in THAT much of a hurry to upgrade. (My 2080Ti is fine atm)