How often do you check your stats?

How often do you check your stats?

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Sometimes less than every hour, I lover stats.:rolleyes:

all depends on how bored i am.. but i usually check them every few hours some only once a day..
When I first started folding, it was quite often. Even hitting the refresh to see if Stanford had tallied my latest wu's.

I didn't know about FahMon or FahSpy, so I'd turn on the monitor to check if my comp and PS3 were still working. :D
A couple times a week wasn't an option so I chose once a day. I'm only on GPU2 clients right now and frankly they are stable. In addition, I only move up a notch maybe once every couple of weeks so no worth checking all the time.

"A watched pot does not boil" :)

I check them after every update if I'm at my PC.

I really don't do it to watch the points, just to check to see if everything is running correctly.

Once a day. I like to check where I'm at in the Top 20 ppd. Need to make sure I'm not slipping. ;)
I stopped sleeping so that I would never miss any stats updates in the middle of the night.
I stopped sleeping so that I would never miss any stats updates in the middle of the night.

I'd give a rofl here except you can never really be sure with this team...some of you guys are so [H]ard it's scary.

For me, it also depends on how bored I am. Get busy for a few days and I wouldn't know if all of my boxen went down. Sitting here, doing nothing? Every few hours--if not my stats, then the stats of people around me, just things to keep the mind going.
Depends on my schedule really, but generally, I check a few times a day. I use EOC to keep track of my stats, so I usually check after it updates.
Yeah, I use EOC too, but I'm thinking about also setting up a system like EvilAlchimist wrote up on so that I can know which machines are contributing to what I'm earning, so that I can know which machines need some TLC when my PPD drops.
I should also add that not only do I check my stats every couple hours, I'm involved in multiple projects (I've done work for 51 at last count), so I'm checking several sets of stats every couple hours. :D
Jesh, thats all I do all day is check stats in all sorts of places for all sorts of projects.
I check about 20 different projects about every half hour for each almost 24/7. I know - I'm crazy.
i check as often as the site updates, at least if i'm near a computer to check with;)

I have a FAH Gadget on my desktop in Vista/7, so I check that whenever I see my desktop. Directly checking the stats page is maybe a couple times a day. FAHMON gets checked probly ever 3-4 hours when I'm home, and sporadically from remote sites through my stats page.
Yeah, I use EOC too, but I'm thinking about also setting up a system like EvilAlchimist wrote up on so that I can know which machines are contributing to what I'm earning, so that I can know which machines need some TLC when my PPD drops.

My Web Fahmon Stats has saved me a number of time.

When I am at work, I can check all the systems and make sure they are running.

If one goes "Inactive", I know exectly which machine to check when I get home.
I fold for another team, but hang out here for [H]ardware talk (I'd just be a little tiny fish on this team). I check my stats on EOC once or twice a day just to make sure one of my clients hasn't gone down. Only have three dedicated folders, so not too hard to tell which one is not pulling it's weight - unless it's the "Spyder Solitaire" machine at my moms house ;)
I fold for another team, but hang out here for [H]ardware talk (I'd just be a little tiny fish on this team).

We don't have "tiny fish" here ... [H] has team members ....

I personally don't care if you have 1 client or 100 ... every WU completed is important.

All we ask is you give what you can, we you can ....
I fold for another team, but hang out here for [H]ardware talk (I'd just be a little tiny fish on this team). I check my stats on EOC once or twice a day just to make sure one of my clients hasn't gone down. Only have three dedicated folders, so not too hard to tell which one is not pulling it's weight - unless it's the "Spyder Solitaire" machine at my moms house ;)

We welcome your presence here and would welcome you to our team. Interestingly, you would be anything but a tiny fish over here though.

Anyway, do us a favor at least, and this spring, be sure to stop by at the end of April for the planning of the Chimp Challenge. Maybe you would be willing to help us for a few weeks.

Not to thread jack, I check a fahmon once a day, but generally, I glance at the EOC stats on my iGoogle homepage whenever I see it.
Generally a couple times a day, though I miss weekends completely so I averaged it to once a day :D For a while my ppd dropped severely when fahmon had a weird bug and was using up all the cpu cycles my gpu clients were on, yet was still reporting high ppd and the program was responsive. Web stats reported otherwise, good thing I eventually checked task manager. My mowing has slowed, but I made my goal of breaking into the top 200. I'd check more often if it had just a few more features, such as team ranking by ppd! I use eoc most the time.
