How quiet is the 9800 XT?

Jan 8, 2001
I'm torn over getting a regular 9800 Pro or an XT. I'm leaning towards the 9800 Pro (either the Tyan or the Sapphire that's 230 at newegg), but I'm not against spending for the XT.

Question is, which is quieter, 9800 Pro or the XT?
i asked this about a month ago and got no answer :\

and i gave up but im sure you could find some info just by google searching.

if you find it report back :p
It will vary by manufacturer and the cooling solution - some will be loud and some will not.
Even when the fan is at full speed, its very quiet. Much more quiet than my 9800 Pro's stock fan was. Larger fan, lower rpm.
My raptors are louder than my 9800XT's...

In my Dell 400SC gaming systems.. I can hear the raptor over the 9800XT's.. and the 400SC's run almost silent.

Both 36gb and 74gb Ratpors are louder.
That's nice... My 9800pro is easily the loudest thing in my case after I upgraded to a 74gig Raptor.

The solution to a loud video card is to add more case fans.

I have a total of 5 x 80mm Case fans.

I also have a card slot fan and the fans in my PSU.

I cant hear my video card at all :p
Originally posted by LordBritish
The solution to a loud video card is to add more case fans.

I have a total of 5 x 80mm Case fans.

I also have a card slot fan and the fans in my PSU.

I cant hear my video card at all :p

I have an OEM R9800XT, I can barely hear it since there are 4 case fans in my computer. If you want to lower the noise, you can try using 92mm fans instead of 80mm fans. Larger fans tend to hum at a lower frequency so they appear to not be as loud whereas 80mm or smaller fans tend to have this high-pitched whine. Just a thought.
I know it's different, but my 9600XT is the loudest fan in my system. Tonight, I'm installing the Zalman heatpipe passive heatsink for it. I'll be keeping an eye on the temps to see if it needs a fan. But anything will be more quiet than that little OEM fan spinning at god-only-knows how many RPM.

When I was reading the specs for the 9600XT it said that there was a heat probe that would up the fan RPM when it got hot. I don't know if it works because you can't monitor it, but the thing is loud at whatever speed it's running.

Edited for add'l comment.
Mine is no louder since I upgraded from my 9700 pro a while back. I'd say my processor fan is equally as loud as the card fan, the same old low hum that I've been used to :) I'd say go for the Hercules, it's really nice and a good price at newegg right now, and you of course get HL2.
But anything will be more quiet than that little OEM fan spinning at god-only-knows how many RPM.
Is there a diffirence in a 9800XT OEM fan and a retail fan?I ordered a OEM Sapphire 9800XT.
i cannot hear my 9800 pro unless im rite by it (aka 4 inches away) but i do have 6 fans which makes my comp sound like a lawnmower
they about the same (I've had them both)..can always mount a zalman on either one for even quieter operation
Got the Zalman installed on my 9600XT last night. Without the optional fan, it's within 1C of the stock setup. I was quite happy to get rid of the loudest fan in my setup.

This search for silence is maddening. Now I have to figure what then new loudest fan is. It's between the power supply and the case fan. We'll see if I can silence them some. :D
I have the Asus 9800XT and I haven't even noticed it as being loud and the Asus has two pretty large fans.
unless the fan kicks in on high speed, it's practically inaudible.

if it does kick in though, you -will hear it-.

fortunately for most, I've only had it kick in when running dual monitors in games; when just running 1 monitor, the fan never ran on high.