How Safe is the ATI-OverDrive AutoTune OC?

Jul 5, 2007
Usually the clocks it settles on are just a tad extreme, like Rattle posted. Whatever it settles on, you can subtract about 10-20Mhz for the core to get a "true" stable core clock and about 50-75Mhz on the memory to get a "true" stable memory clock IMO.

I did this for my HD4850 below and I can run FurMark for hours on end (w/ 4xAA to boot) full screen and it's stable. It's also Crysis stable (in MP too) so it's pretty rock solid.
Its been a few years since i bothered to OC anything, with the performance of todays hardware its not really what it used to be.

I got an ATI 4850 (So glad to be back to ATI, missed my X1900XTX)..

i put my HR03 A02 (best 40$ i've ever spent, lasted through 3 video cards so far) with the memory sinks and i threw some heatsinks on the components the stock HSF was on (how hot do these extra components really get?)

so my temp dropped from 80C Idle (Stock, no FanFix) to 45C Idle..

i crank Auto Tune and i just watch the CPU C and it never gets over 55C (btw the GPU Activity percentage is awesome)..

anyways the Core ends at 690 and the memory ends at 1188

how safe is it to run at this OC? i am not really interested in burning up my GPU but i won't be into volt modding or anything like that

i guess the way i look at it @ 690 i end up with a 4860, half way between a 50 and a 70 :)
alot of times the clocks it settles on are not stable, but its not dangerous, your card will either artifact or the driver will stop.
anyways the Core ends at 690 and the memory ends at 1188

i guess the way i look at it @ 690 i end up with a 4860, half way between a 50 and a 70 :)

I got similar results, as I said about stability above, 680/1100 is truly rock solid for me. I got about the same results from the Overdrive OC test (690/1175).
In my experience, I would tend to agree with OP. CCC tends to overshoot. With my old X1900XT it would always go too far and sometimes even crash my system.

With my 4850, it settled on an OC that was too high for the mem but too low for the core. It wasn't too far off however and didn't crash my system :)
I think it goes beyond stable cause while you run the overdrive function you have to watch the temps and make sure they dont go over 90*C on air then hit cancel when u arrive your temprature. i got my 4870 to 790 atm temps at 85*C going to push more later.