How the heck is Dragon Age:Orgins played?

Marketing a game like this cant be easy. On one hand EA wants the PC gamers who want a classic-style RPG, which is what they are actually selling. And on the other hand, there are lots of kids that need a present under the tree for their XBOX.

+1 I think a lot of people who buy this game based on the marketing campaign will either:

(a) absolutely hate it, or
(b) fall in love with this style RPG
The gamespot review is interesting in that it says the PC version is actually harder than the console versions! Also, the 360 version only scored 8.5 and the PS3 version scored a 9, whereas the PC version received 9.5! This would appear to be good news for PC gamers worrying about the "dumbed down console port" disease affecting every damn multiplatform game this year :)
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K, im still wandering around the harrowing for my magi but so far, im very happy that I can still control myself in a 3rd person manner aka Max Payne style and not having to do that age old God like view from above.

Music is incredible so far and the voice action is top notch and i've already busted out laughing several times already and im only 10 minutes into the game.

Glad you like it so far. I was really fence sitting on this one but decided to get it too. I really like it so far. I have to put myself in the mindset that it will take me a long time to complete this. Not a FPS that I can do quickly.

I do have a few questions for you guys. My issue with these games is that I spend too much time agonizing over the different dialog options. I'm always afraid if I go one route (good or bad) I will lose out on something.

First question. Do you lose out on things if you select a certian path? It doesn't appear there are any penalties for one way or the other like some games.

Second question. Really a game philosophy question. I think my course is simply to play the way I would play act in life and let the cards fall where they may. Is that the best strategy? Sonds like a duh question, but refer to question number one for explanation.

Thanks for helping this former FPS or nothing player. :)
Oh definetly play like yourself if your new to RPG of this kind. It'll help put you into the story more deeply rather than disconnect you because your constantly vying for a specific character. I do Pen-and-paper and write on my own enough that playing different mindsets doesn't hamper me in any way, but for the uninitiated it probably is wisest to sit within your comfort zone for maximum enjoyment.

Also, play it on [H]ard your first play through. (Added the brackets after, hehe.)

Aso to losing things, probably mate. It was like that in Baldur's Gate, KOTOR, and Mass Effect. You can lose party members from your choices even which is absolutely Baldur's Gate.

I was surprised when I bought this... I was thinking I was getting a more action based game and went drymouthed when It told me to right click to move...but then tried WASD and breathed a sigh, thanking the Electron Lords. I will say Pause option surprised me too. And I'm glad PC is so much harder and even better looking!
The game is awesome. I've played it 9 hours straight, and totally love it. Finally a worthy successors to the Baldur Gate serie. I totally dig micro-management like this.

The problem here is the ''hype'' and the marketing campaign for DOA. Alot of people will be disappointed. All the kids used to play console games on easy mode with a ''long'' 8 hours to finish a game, and arrows pointing in the direction where you need to go, will suffer...

It's a hardcore RPG game for hardcore RPG players, with micro-management, and god forgive!, the need to ''think'' before going into a fight. Going in guns blazing like a console game is not the way to play this game. You need to have a plan before fighting.

Too much marketing, too much hype. Poeple will be dispappointed.

But not me. :)
So, you have no idea how a Real Time with Pause RPG works, you don't know what dice rolls are, you have no clue about this game....yet you pre-order it. Very smart guy.
I really was looking forward to Dragon Age, but the more I saw of it, the more it looked to me like The Witcher. I never could get comfortable with TW's combat controls and ended up giving it away. I've no doubt that DA, like TW, will be a successful game, but it's not for me. :(

Ughh, why do people keep comparing this to The Witcher? COMPLETELY different styles...couldn't be further from each other in terms of combat.
First question. Do you lose out on things if you select a certian path? It doesn't appear there are any penalties for one way or the other like some games.

Second question. Really a game philosophy question. I think my course is simply to play the way I would play act in life and let the cards fall where they may. Is that the best strategy? Sonds like a duh question, but refer to question number one for explanation.

1) Haven't played it yet, but I've read there are positives and negatives to your choices but they aren't immediate like most other games. You may not see the effects of a choice for hours.

2) Also goes with 1. I wouldn't worry about missing things. Just play however you want the first time then see how different choices affect things the next time you play.

With that said, I've been debating on getting this game, just not sure how I'd like the pausing in combat. Kinda stuck on fast paced/no delay combat over the years. Probably still pick this up eventually. Sounds cool.
I dont mind the somewhat linear lines but I wish games like this gave you a choice like Fallout tactics did. Give you the choice of whether you wanted paused gameplay or action based.

They do, its called changing the game to "Easy" mode.
They do, its called changing the game to "Easy" mode.

Even on normal you don't have to pause the game nearly ever.

I'm surprised at how many people have never played Baldur's Gate 1 or 2, Neverwinter Knights 1 or 2, Knights of the Old Republic 1 or 2, Jade Empire, or Mass Effect. I mean basically so many people who have totally missed the RPG boat for the last eleven years. This game works just like those games do, except obviously the graphics are awesome and the mechanics are much more refined.

This is not Diablo. This is not Oblivion. This is Baldur's Neverwinter Knights of the Old Jade Empire Effect.
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Even on normal you don't have to pause the game nearly ever.

I'm surprised at how many people have never played Baldur's Gate 1 or 2, Neverwinter Knights 1 or 2, Knights of the Old Republic 1 or 2, Jade Empire, or Mass Effect. I mean basically so many people who have totally missed the RPG boat for the last eleven years. This game works just like those games do, except obviously the graphics are awesome and the mechanics are much more refined.

This is not Diablo. This is not Oblivion. This is Baldur's Neverwinter Knights of the Old Jade Empire Effect.

DAO is nothing like Mass Effect. Mass Effect was a heavily simplified/dumbed down RPG experience that essentially never required deep tactics outside of baby-sitting the retarded ally AI.
DAO is nothing like Mass Effect. Mass Effect was a heavily simplified/dumbed down RPG experience that essentially never required deep tactics outside of baby-sitting the retarded ally AI.

Well you can certainly play it that way if you like yeah, but that's not all ME was.
I detect a fellow Marilyn Manson fan. "Are you mutha fuckin' ready!?!?!?!?" ;)

I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan, I just found it hilarious that Bioware release an EXTREEEEMMEEE!!!1 trailer glorifying the amount of blood and violence in the game, all set to Mansons "The New Shit". A week later after the entire fanbase exploded at the ridiculous aim of Biowares marketing campaign, Bioware quietly removed the video and basically now pretend it never happened.
Have to say that I have put about an hour or so into the game now and absolutely love it. This is the first time in quite a while I have played an RPG this good. I pre-ordered it for the 360 and while the control style takes some getting used I style completely love it. Very impressed with the game thus far.
I really was looking forward to Dragon Age, but the more I saw of it, the more it looked to me like The Witcher. I never could get comfortable with TW's combat controls and ended up giving it away. I've no doubt that DA, like TW, will be a successful game, but it's not for me. :(

it is worlds different than the witcher

although I love RPGs for story, i could not get into the combat

the combat in dragon age is very tactical and fun, and loot is actually meaningful
Im having a hard time, im on redcliff castle and i think my party sucks :(
I have a human noble warrior, morrigan, pupu (my dog) and alistar

We get ganked pretty badly... too many foes and a stupid AI

Granted, i ve yet alot to learn about the micro management (never played BG or any time of rpg like this)
but so far im having fun

The night time invasion of the undead ended with 3 of my party dead and me running circles around the fire trap, and all those undead bastards roasting to death :p
Im having a hard time, im on redcliff castle and i think my party sucks :(
I have a human noble warrior, morrigan, pupu (my dog) and alistar

We get ganked pretty badly... too many foes and a stupid AI

Granted, i ve yet alot to learn about the micro management (never played BG or any time of rpg like this)
but so far im having fun

The night time invasion of the undead ended with 3 of my party dead and me running circles around the fire trap, and all those undead bastards roasting to death :p

Even with heavy micromanaging I've run into battles where just one character is barely alive. Really makes the battles exciting. Every time I've lost so far its been due to my own mistakes though and I really like that.
I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan, I just found it hilarious that Bioware release an EXTREEEEMMEEE!!!1 trailer glorifying the amount of blood and violence in the game, all set to Mansons "The New Shit". A week later after the entire fanbase exploded at the ridiculous aim of Biowares marketing campaign, Bioware quietly removed the video and basically now pretend it never happened.

A wise move, that is one of the worst trailers I've seen from a major game in recent years. It's like they defrosted some cryogencially frozen 3D artists from 1992 and slapped them in front of a computer running the original 3D Studio Max and said 'make me a trailer'.
A wise move, that is one of the worst trailers I've seen from a major game in recent years. It's like they defrosted some cryogencially frozen 3D artists from 1992 and slapped them in front of a computer running the original 3D Studio Max and said 'make me a trailer'.

Thats as good of an explanation as any I've ever seen for the idiotic moves EA's marketing team has made lately (that trailer, the entire marketing for Dante's Inferno).
RPG of the year for me.

And maybe of the decade... (when was BG2 released ?)

Storyline. Gameplay. Combat. Micromanagement. LOVE IT.
Geez, this computer game is fracking hard! I started on "Hard" difficulty and had to go back to normal.
When the first fight starts with three thugs, a trap in your way that reams you, and two thugs who come to assist against your two rogues, you can't help but cry when you can only kill one before both of your characters die.

I finally found I could walk around the trap but still couldn't beat the five enemies without sneaking to the two guards that normally came to assist and murdering them to then come back to the three guards. I was lucky to pick Stealth as one of my abilities. A later fight required that I change from Hard to Normal because the trap was unavoidable, did half health hit and four guards... The difference in damage from Hard to Normal was a 30% value change. The enemies hit harder and were harder to hit too. I wanted to play it on Hard straight but I'm concerned that may not be possible.
Ughh, why do people keep comparing this to The Witcher? COMPLETELY different styles...couldn't be further from each other in terms of combat.

it is worlds different than the witcher

although I love RPGs for story, i could not get into the combat

the combat in dragon age is very tactical and fun, and loot is actually meaningful
I've seen just as many make The Witcher comparison as those who agree with your comments. Guess I'll wait (and hope) for some kind of demo before dropping nearly $50 on DA.
I HATED the Witcher with a passion.

I am LOVING Dragon Age so far.

I don't think we can make these generalizations. I fall pretty much exactly where misterchef was on the issue.
I've seen just as many make The Witcher comparison as those who agree with your comments. Guess I'll wait (and hope) for some kind of demo before dropping nearly $50 on DA.

Well it's loosely related to the Witcher inasmuch as the guys at CDPROJEKT used BioWare's Aurora engine to create it. So the similarities are only skin deep. But you must know that the Witcher wasn't made by BioWare, so it's story was translated like shit and the game itself was merely ok, and the mechanics were not that inspired.