How the World Searched in 2010

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
What did people search for in 2010? You probably don't want to know. There were a few unintentionally funny results like Northwest Airlines making the "fastest falling" list and unemployment ending up on the "fastest rising" list.

From new bills in Washington D.C. to new heroes in the World Cup, Olympics and beyond, there was no shortage of events to captivate our attention. We hope you enjoy this look back to what was on the minds of Americans throughout 2010.
The "Fastest Rising Health Queries" were good for a laugh

1. HCG Diet (Risky weightloss)
2. Dr Oz (Much less risky weightloss)
3. Aspergers (I'm not fat, I have autisum)
4. McDonalds Neutrition (Screw it, I'll just have a Big Mac)
Mininova 4th fastest falling, as soon as they got rid of pirated content. :p