How to add more ram :P


Mar 5, 2004
Hi, I know how to add ram, but I have filled up all 3 slots and i would hate to have to replace one stick of ram with another, i thought i have heard of something called a "piggyback" that you place in the ram slot and it allows you to add more than one ram stick to one slot, anyone know about something like this?
that would make me nervous. Computer systems don't like having tons and tons of separate RAM sticks, and having some aftermarket device which the motherboard memory controller knows nothing about is just asking for trouble.

Get rid of those old 64MB sticks...
agreed with the above poster, you're asking for trouble with something like that

just replace those smaller sticks
I used something like that "back in the day" and basically, they work, but not reall good. The main ones would let you use two 30 pinn DIMMs in a 72 pin socket (thinkk 80386 to 80486 upgrades) and then they came out with the "put two in one".

for the older slower (33 Mhz memory speeds) they worked okay, but with memory bus speeds hitting 10 to 30x's that - I'd say buy a bigger stick, and sell the smaller one (or ones) to offset the cost.

Interesting idea. Would be neat to try just to use up old spare parts in budget PC's.

But not something I'd do in any system I really wanted to be stable.

Thanks for the help, i wont do it, it does sound like a bad idea

And for the kids who said google, just shut the hell up please, for a few reasons
A. I dont use google
B. I did do a search before i asked you
C. NO SHI(T!, thanks for that awesome idea!