How to attach VGA RAM heatsinks?


Limp Gawd
Feb 26, 2006
I would like to move my vf-900 to a new graphics card but I am not sure how to reattach the ram heatsinks. They come with thermaltape on them but I'm sure that after a few months on my old card they won't be sticky enough to work on the new card.

How can I reattach them?

Woud thermalpaste like artic silver hold? It seems gooey enough but I'm not sure what it would be like when heated.

Any suggestions?
Just get the epoxy and mix it in a 70/30 ratio. The 30% would be the epoxy part (it smells AWEFUL so you'll know which one to downmix.

The chips just twist off with a bit of force.
i always favored the method of using Arctic Silver Thermal Epoxy and Ceramique

one super tiny speck of the epoxy in the middle of each chip for adhesion, filling in the rest of the surface with Ceramique, best of both worlds, easy to remove (just twist) but best heat transfer while in use
If you want to remove it later use AS5 thermal paste and AS thermal adhesive in a 50/50 mix and this should work! :)