How to backup 360 game saves to a computer?


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 10, 2001
I was given two 360's. The owner just asked that I get his data off the hard drive and burn it on a disc for him in case he ever got another 360 in the future.

Both of these machines have had issues with the RROD. I managed to repair one but the other is hosed.

I'm researching it and it seems your profile and DLC is fine. Just sign in as your gamertag on a new xbox and you can recover your gamertag/profile and redownload your DLC.
However i'm unclear on how save games are handled. I'm going to assume those aren't stored on xbox live to be redownloaded later? And when I transfer them to a USB drive they can't be seen in a computer.
So how I will I go about backing up his content for him?

It's just a 20gb hard drive. I guess I could just give him the drive. I just don't want to pay retail for a new hard drive. Saw a 60gb for $99 and the 250gb for $129. Really don't want to pay that much. Not going to download much in the way of video. Very little DLC. Mainly just game saves. Maybe a demo from time to time but deleted shortly after. Maybe I could get by with a 16gb thumb drive.
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I don't think there is a legitimate way to do this. I know MS released a hard drive transfer cable of sorts but I think it only works with certain official Xbox drives.
You can use xplorer360 to read and write to the drive as far as I know there is nothing illegal about it. I don't know if you need a the ms transfer cable to read from it or if you can just stick the drive in your pc.
I tried using a USB stick to transfer profile and game saves to and then plugged it in my laptop and fired up xplorer360 but it couldn't see the thumb drive.
Just tell him to buy a transfer kit and it will copy all data off his old hard drive onto the new one
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
My understanding is that the encription level isn't going to allow this to happen, or at least with any ease whatsoever. I dont even know of anyone who's ever done this, ... as in backup game data in case you want to restore it on a potential 360 one day.

Users replace units and use transfer cables or USB drives to restore data. The only way I see what you're doing possible is to backup all the game data onto a USB drive and just give him the drive. In the future if he gets a 360 he can pop in the drive and restore from that.

However, can I ask why any of this is your responsibility? Why are you having to backup his data after the fact? Is this a friend? Random sale? You don't owe them your time to do this. If I felt compelled to help I would tell them to buy the USB key while I spend 5 minutes doing the backup.

note : when backing up ALL game data do NOT do so individually. Go into System Settings > Memory and bring the cursor over the hard drive. Do not go into the drive and select sub categories, at the Memory level, while highlighting the HDD just hit Y. You will not see it as a visible option at the bottom, but just hit Y. This will envoke the 360 to backup all data on the hard drive, instead of you the user having to specify what data you want to back up. It will save you a ton of time.
Just tell him to buy a transfer kit and it will copy all data off his old hard drive onto the new one
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

He doesn't have a new one. And I have the drive. And i'd like to use the drive.

However, can I ask why any of this is your responsibility? Why are you having to backup his data after the fact? Is this a friend? Random sale? You don't owe them your time to do this. If I felt compelled to help I would tell them to buy the USB key while I spend 5 minutes doing the backup.

note : when backing up ALL game data do NOT do so individually. Go into System Settings > Memory and bring the cursor over the hard drive. Do not go into the drive and select sub categories, at the Memory level, while highlighting the HDD just hit Y. You will not see it as a visible option at the bottom, but just hit Y. This will envoke the 360 to backup all data on the hard drive, instead of you the user having to specify what data you want to back up. It will save you a ton of time.

He is a coworker. And I got a free 360 out of the deal. Well two actually(and a few games), but I couldn't fix one. So the least I could do is find a way to preserve his data in case he needs it for the future.
I think a USB stick as you suggested is probably going to be the best choice. Thanks for the tip!
I wish I had known this a few months earlier as I moved all my important game saves and files onto a USB from my old Elite 360 and today I tried to load it up on my Reach 360 and it won't fucking read the USB no matter what I do. I was on Xbox tech phone support for an hour and half and we still couldn't get it work.

I'm so pissed, thanks for nothing microsoft, four farking years of game saves now utterly useless no thanks to your stupid save system.