HOW TO: Cable Braiding?


Jan 19, 2008
Can anyone post some pictures step by step how to braid the cables?Its so confusing!!How am i suppose to remove the power connections and how am i suppose to put them back? how this heat shrink material works?i know that i sound like an amateur but i really need some expertise help before i chop off my psu power connectors!!
There are a bunch of good articles on this at various web sites.

You may need a special tool to remove the main PSU connector, but for molex and most others, patience and a good set of jewlers screw drivers are all you need.
I started by practicing on spare molex connectors that come as extra in video cards.

You dont need a heat gun to treat shrink wrap. A good 1200W hair dryer (blow dryer) works just fine.
As far as the material goes, I stay away from "kits" and buy feet of various diameter material. I find the quality is better than in kits. Look at FrozenCPU or PerformancePCs for the best stuff and the most selection.

If all you want is black shrink wrap, you can get it very cheaply at Lowes in most sizes needed for computer work. Look where they display electrical connectors.
heres a decent link

you will need the right tools to do the job. a molex pin remover and heat gun for the heat shrink(which is basically just rubber tubing that shrinks in size when heat is applied to it.), patience is also key.

thanks for the interest guys!!the link was very usefull!!
But i am didn't see in any of the guides that i am looking whole day ,how can i put the power connectors back?Please can someone post some pictures while he is modding his PSU?
thanks for the interest guys!!the link was very usefull!!
But i am didn't see in any of the guides that i am looking whole day ,how can i put the power connectors back?Please can someone post some pictures while he is modding his PSU?

Most electrical contacts are secured to the plastic fitting by a small barb on either side, obviously if you removed the contact from the connector; you depressed the barb, and slid the contact out.

First, you need to remember which color wire goes where, make a sketch or take a picture.
Second, slide the sleeving on the wire bundle. To make it easier, I stagger the contacts and wrap them in scotch tape.
Third, slide on the heat shrink. Position the sleeve,place the heat shrink and heat it.
Fourth, bend the barbs back so they now flare out away from the main body of the contact, like little airplane wings. This can be easily accomplished by using a small jewlery screwdriver.
Once all the barbs have been flared out, simply push the contact smartly back into its correct place in the plactic connector and you are done.

This might be helpful: