How to disassemble a Mac Mini

rene mauricio said:
Sure would be nice but they phrased it all wrong. The way they word it one would think you could upgrade the core but not the ram. Heh, I would not mind having a 32MB 9800 on that bad boy. :D

They didnt phrase it wrong, you just assume too much. The only reason they even mention that the RAM, specifically, can not be upgraded is becasue on some older videocards it was possible to add in memory, and so now many manufacturers explicitly state that onboard VRAM can not be upgraded.
So I've seen pics of the motherboard, and your all correct about ONE DIMM slot for memory. What I haven't determined is what size HD the Mini uses. Is it a 2.5" HD? 3.5"? And does anyone know what the max size the motherboard will recognize is?
So I've seen pics of the motherboard, and your all correct about ONE DIMM slot for memory. What I haven't determined is what size HD the Mini uses. Is it a 2.5" HD? 3.5"? And does anyone know what the max size the motherboard will recognize is?

It's been established now that it's a 2.5" HD. As for the max DIMM size, I believe that it's been stated by Apple to be 1GB, officially, with a 2GB DIMM awaiting approval.
Sorry if I was short with you, I didn't mean to come off that way but reading it back I think I might have. I'm from Pittsburg by the way, we're practically neighbors.
