How to edit audio files?


Sep 6, 2012

I have an eight hour audio .MP3 file (audio recording) and I need to just take a couple few minute sections out of it, how do I do that? What is the easiest software for this?

Audacity is a great free program, the best imo though is sony sound forge 7.
Second above post. Audacity is great... especially for the price.
I prefer the interface of Adobe Audition, but that's because it is what became of Cool Edit Pro, my all time favorite.
DO NOT use Audacity to edit this. MP3 is already a lossy compressed format. It will import the MP3 to an Audacity project, and when you export it back to MP3, it will compress it even more and sound horrible.

Use MP3 Direct Cut.
DO NOT use Audacity to edit this. MP3 is already a lossy compressed format. It will import the MP3 to an Audacity project, and when you export it back to MP3, it will compress it even more and sound horrible.

Use MP3 Direct Cut.

he could export it to .wav instead (lossless). And honestly he probably wont be able to hear the difference so long as he isn't exporting it as 128kbps or something like that.
he could export it to .wav instead (lossless). And honestly he probably wont be able to hear the difference so long as he isn't exporting it as 128kbps or something like that.
I still find MP3 Direct Cut easier.....clip, save.
he could export it to .wav instead (lossless). And honestly he probably wont be able to hear the difference so long as he isn't exporting it as 128kbps or something like that.
An 8-hour audio file in uncompressed PCM format (1411kbps) would be nearly five gigabytes in size (may or may not be a problem, depends what he wants to do with it), and lossy>lossy transcoding is never a good idea, regardless of the output setting.

He *might* not be able to hear an audible deterioration, depending on the audio content and his hearing, but why not just take the simpler and better option of using Mp3DirectCut and avoid any doubt?