How to get the BF2 demo to run in WS.


Sep 8, 2001
Simple add this to the end of your shortcut; +szx 1920 +szy 1200. So it would be something like this, "C:\Games\Battlefield 2 Demo\BF2.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +szx 1920 +szy 1200"

Then go to; Battlefield 2 Demo\mods\bf2\Settings\ and edit the video .con file. Find "renderer.fieldOfView 1", and change it to "renderer.fieldOfView 1.1" for the correct FOV settings.

Not taking credit for this, saw it at Rage3D, then at the widescreengaming forum. I was annoyed that WS wasnt native, but this gets it working. Didnt want to post in an already posted BF2 thread, as it may get lost. And lots of [H]'s have WS LCD's.
Thanks, I will give this a try now.

edit: I have found four different video.con files, but I dont see a "renderer.fieldOfView".
open the video.con file in notepad and that is one of the lines. Change the line as stated and click save.
so does it just stretch out the image and make it fatter, or is it actually correct ratio?
God I cant wait to get off of work and download this game!!!!! I hope ppl that have tried this ws solution let us know if it works, so I can try it =P

Betauser said:
videoDefault.con is what i modified and it worked.
Where is videodefault.con? I have looked in both the Profile folder in the main directory and in the Battlefield 2 Demo folder in My Documents.

EDIT: I searched for it
Ok it works YEAHHHHH. BF2 @ 1680x1050 looks AWESOME. I don't know why EA didnt have these options available
You don't need the FOV command -- the command line fix will give you the proper aspect ratio!
For some reason this isn't working for me. I just get booted back to the desktop after a black screen. I get the error:

Module: RendDX9
File: c:\dice\projects\BF2Branches\BF2Demo\Code\BF2\RendDX9\VideoOptions.cpp
Line: 234
Unkown DynamicOption value 1280x720@60Hz

How the hell do I change this file that its referencing. (videooptions.cpp) I cant even find this file anywhere... All my other games run fine in widescreen but for some reason this DX9 module doesn't have this resolution listed.
iori yagami said:
requesting screenshots of bf2 running @ 1900x1200 with all the settings maxed out :eek:

yah well it will be screenshot only b/c even with SLI ultra's @ those high res. and the crappy AA implement, its gonna be a stuttershow hehe.,
settings are high with 2xaa oddly for me iot plays fine at this res but its stuterrs at lower rez

doesnt work for me at 1280x720. This is bs if the game doesnt support it. If the final doesnt support it, I wont even bother buying it
I don't think it's true WS, it's just a stretched image. I did a little testing with widescreen a few days ago and you don't see anymore in 1280x720 than you do in 960x720.
adurn03 said:
I don't think it's true WS, it's just a stretched image. I did a little testing with widescreen a few days ago and you don't see anymore in 1280x720 than you do in 960x720.

If you right click the screenshots in this thread and look at the properties they are WS resolutions. The only thing stretched in these images are the static things like the map in the corner. It's elliptical instead of round.
Mike Williams said:
If you right click the screenshots in this thread and look at the properties they are WS resolutions. The only thing stretched in these images are the static things like the map in the corner. It's elliptical instead of round.

Just because the image attributes are widescreen format doesn't mean the game is running in widescreen.

1280x720, FOV 1


1280x720, FOV 1.1


960x720, FOV 1


No difference at all in what you see.