How to make my 2.4c go higher


Jun 27, 2004
I think my motherboard is the problem, but what yall think:

Abit Is7
P4 2.4c M0 sl6z3 Costa Rica @ 3.4 (1.625v)
PC4000 in dual channel
I good little NB cooler

284 fsb @ 5:4 divider
locked AGP ratio

I think the 865 Chipset is holding it back, or the Chip is at its maxed. I can get it to boot at 3.5 and it shits out at 3.6. But its stable at 3.4 all day.

Thinking a abit max3 or something.

Anyone with this board got any tips?
Play with the PCI bus clock maybe?
there is a cap on all p4 c's on how far you can over clock. my roomie has a 3.0 with an asus board and he cant get to 3.6 either, just below

sucks, but i'll bet theres a hard mod you could do
yeah well im happy with a 1ghz overclock. But the 875 chipsets are supposed to be better for higher fsb's from what i hear.

Max3 is the proclaimed god board so i'm wondering if anyone has there 2.4c to 3.6 with that board.
try disable onboard controllers that you arent using on your board. my system is not stable if i have the onboard pci sata-raid controller enabled.
I have IC7 with 2.4 at 3.4 ghz. And thats most stable with stock voltage. No voltage increase at all. It's your cpu that is limiting it, not the motherboard.
gclg2000 said:
yeah well im happy with a 1ghz overclock. But the 875 chipsets are supposed to be better for higher fsb's from what i hear.

Max3 is the proclaimed god board so i'm wondering if anyone has there 2.4c to 3.6 with that board.

i had a MAX3. it's not that good unless you mod it, to fix VTT and VDIMM issue. it will be unstable if you use vdimm 2.9 and above. i think Abit fix the VDIMM issue (at least on my board the MC-64(?) cap was remove). VTT issue is still there unless you do the mod to fix it to equal 1/2 of VDIMM when using 2.9v+ vdimm.
yeah i've read about that before. Imma prob just stay where im at. I'm hoping some good 865/75 boards with PCI express come out so i dont have to get shitted on with new CPU's just to have PCI express video card.

Im not changing my CPU for a long time. These new cpu's are god awful expensive for the avg college student enthusiest like myself.

Imma try disabling all the crap i can. Serial ports, parrallel, sata raid and etc...

Thx for the help guys.
acascianelli, your not having issues with the Raid controller at 284 fsb? I've read and heard alot of people's being flakey with sata raid that high.
running prime stable, if i have the silicon image or whatever it is raid controller enabled it will run but crashes after an hour or so of prime. i dont need that raid controller cause my drives are on the intel raid controller. ive heard the intel raid controller is faster anyway.